Conference Notes
May 2022

“Conference Notes,” Friend, May 2022

Conference Notes

A Little Child

President Eyring

President Eyring spoke about King Benjamin, who stood on a tower to teach his people. King Benjamin taught that we should become like a little child. That means we should trust Heavenly Father and be obedient and loving. When we become like a child, we are more like Jesus Christ.

This teaches me:

Like a Compass

Elder Bednar

Elder Bednar talked about covenants, or promises we make with God. He said that covenants are like a compass that helps us know the way to go. Just like a compass points north, our covenants point us toward Jesus Christ. Making and keeping covenants helps us come closer to Him.

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Soccer or Church?

Elder Gavarret

Elder Gavarret said that when he was 12, he didn’t go to church one week so he could play soccer with his friends. Later, a Church leader asked him to help teach a lesson on keeping the Sabbath day holy. Elder Gavarret learned that Sunday is an important day to focus on Heavenly Father.

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A Big Difference

Sister Aburto

Sister Aburto told a story about a boy who paid tithing. Every time he paid one dollar, he imagined it would build a whole Church building! Years later, he realized that it took much more than a dollar to build one. But Sister Aburto taught that even our small efforts can make a big difference.

This teaches me:
