Finding Peace in Your Heart
May 2022

“Finding Peace in Your Heart,” Friend, May 2022

A Conference Message from the Prophet

Finding Peace in Your Heart

Adapted from “Preaching the Gospel of Peace” and “The Power of Spiritual Momentum,” Liahona, May 2022.

Page from the May 2022 Friend Magazine.

I love you and pray for you every day. There are many difficulties in the world. Conflicts and the pandemic have affected many people. The world needs help.

Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace. His gospel is the only lasting way to find peace. Now more than ever, we need the peace only He can bring.

Followers of Jesus Christ should set the example for all the world to follow. How can we expect peace to exist in the world unless we seek peace in our own lives? No one can control the actions of others. But we can control ourselves.

Please do all you can to end conflicts in your life. Be humble, courageous, and strong. That will help you forgive others and seek forgiveness when you have done something wrong. Ask for power from Jesus Christ and His Atonement to help you.

Jesus is the Christ! He lives! He loves you and will help you.

Finish the Story

Page from the May 2022 Friend Magazine.

What do you do when a conflict happens with a brother, sister, or friend? Choose one of the pictures below. Then draw a picture or write about how you could find peace.
