A Prayer in the Storm
May 2022

“A Prayer in the Storm,” Friend, May 2022

A Prayer in the Storm

girl in bed looking scared of storm outside

BOOM! Thunder cracked outside. Alexis hid under her blanket. But the thunder didn’t stop. Alexis shivered. Then she got up to find Daddy.

“Daddy,” she said. “I’m scared.”

dad hugging girl

Daddy gave Alexis a hug. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I know thunderstorms can be scary. But we’re safe inside our home.”

Alexis thought about that. “I don’t feel safe right now. Could we say a prayer together?”

“That’s a great idea.”

Alexis and Daddy got on their knees. Daddy reached for her hand. He held it while he prayed.

girl and dad praying

“Dear Heavenly Father, please help Alexis feel safe from the storm.”

Alexis held tightly to Daddy’s hand. Her heart felt peaceful. She wasn’t afraid anymore.

“I feel better,” Alexis said.

“Good,” said Daddy. “Now let’s get you back in bed.”

Alexis crawled into bed. Daddy pulled her blanket up to her chin. He kissed her forehead.

girl lying peacefully in bed

“I love you, Daddy,” Alexis said. “Thank you for praying with me.”

Daddy smiled. “You’re welcome. I love you too.”

PDF of story

Illustrations by Alessia Girasole
