For Older Kids
August 2022

“For Older Kids,” Friend, August 2022

For Older Kids

Page from the August 2022 Friend Magazine.

Haircut to Help

girl holding up hair she cut to donate

When I got my hair cut, I donated it to make wigs for children who have lost their hair. I felt really happy because I was doing something important to help other kids who were sick.

Shaelyn C., age 10, Idaho, USA

Family History Corner

Look at old family photos with your family members. Ask them to tell about each photo. Then draw your own picture of your family!

Children and Youth Idea

Physical: “Help to prepare a healthy meal or snack. Share it with your family or friends” (Children’s Guidebook, 54).

Quick Quiz

What gift did Jacob give his son Joseph that made his other sons angry? (See Genesis 37:3–4.)

  1. a book of many words

  2. a coat of many colors

  3. a sandwich of many flavors

  4. a cat of many whiskers

Inspiring Words

“Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).
