The 15-Minute Miracle
August 2022

“The 15-Minute Miracle,” Friend, August 2022

The 15-Minute Miracle

The bus was leaving soon. Could they make it?

mom and son running across park

“L‌ook!” Sasha whispered. “Another squirrel.” He was having fun exploring the Sochi Arboretum. The giant park had all kinds of beautiful flowers and trees. Back home, in central Russia, it was still snowy and freezing cold. But here in Sochi, the sun was shining, and the air smelled like spring.

Sasha watched the squirrel nibble on a nut. It still had its thick winter coat, but Sasha guessed it was as excited for spring as he was. He grinned as the squirrel scurried up a tree.

Just then Mama’s phone rang. “Hello?” Mama said. She paused. “But I thought our tickets were for tomorrow! It’s today?” Soon she hung up the phone.

“Sasha! We have to go now. Our tour of the Skypark is this morning, and the bus is leaving in 15 minutes!”

“Can we get to the bus stop that soon?” Sasha asked.

“I hope so. Let’s pray in our hearts and do our best.” Mama took his hand, and they started to run.

The Sochi Arboretum was big. Sasha wasn’t sure they could find the way out! But he said a prayer in his heart. Please help us get to the bus stop in time. We’d really like to go to the Skypark.

The Skypark was an adventure park high up in the mountains. It had giant swings, climbing walls, ziplines, and a ropes course. It also had the Skybridge—a super-long bridge hanging high up in the sky. Sasha hoped they would get there in time.

Finally they found the main road and looked for a taxi. They saw one right away! They hopped in and Mama told the driver the name of the bus stop.

“You’re lucky!” the driver said. “I know a shortcut.”

Sasha stared out the window as they sped past the trees.

“Do you think we’ll make it?” Sasha asked Mama.

Mama looked at her watch. “I don’t know. But we prayed. And even if we don’t make it, that’s OK. We’re on an adventure!”

Soon they were at the bus stop. The bus wasn’t even there yet! It was late.

Mama and Sasha were still breathing hard, but Sasha smiled. “That driver was right! We are lucky.”

“I don’t think it was just luck, dear,” Mama said. “Sometimes we have little miracles that remind us how much Heavenly Father loves us.”

Just then, the bus pulled up. Mama and Sasha climbed on and headed off to the Skypark. Sasha was grateful tor this little miracle!
