What Makes Me Happy
August 2022

“What Makes Me Happy,” Friend, August 2022

Written by You

What Makes Me Happy

girl sitting at school desk

L‌ike everyone, I have some goals and dreams. I want to help people, like Jesus did. I want to be nice to everyone. And I want to be happy doing things I love.

sisters playing violin and piano

Music lets me do all of these things. I join in musical numbers at church by singing, playing the piano, and playing the violin. For a Primary program, I played the piano while the other children sang. I had to work and practice a lot. But we were all happy to do it. My little brother and my little sister like music too. So I help them practice their instruments. And I sing hymns and songs with them.

Angeline reading with siblings and dog

I can also be happy by helping at home. My dad serves in the army, so I help Mom by taking care of my brother and sister. I read them stories. I play with them. I listen when they need to talk. And I love to cook.

My dog, Ricky, helps me to be happy too. We got him from a shelter. Now he’s like part of the family. I help take care of him.

Angeline writing cards

I love to send birthday cards to my family and friends. That makes them happy, and it makes me happy too. Even though I’m a little shy, I try to make new friends. I try to be kind because I know that’s what Jesus would do. I feel happy when I help others because I know I’m following Him.
