Scripture Hero Cards
September 2022

“Scripture Hero Cards,” Friend, September 2022

Scripture Hero Cards

Cut out the cards, fold on the dotted line, and tape them closed.


crows bringing bread to Elijah

“[He] did according unto the word of the Lord.”

  • He was a prophet. He did many miracles.

  • He didn’t die. God took him straight to heaven.

  • He appeared to Joseph Smith in the Kirtland Temple. He gave Joseph priesthood keys for sealing families.

The Widow of Zarephath

a woman making bread

“I know that thou art a man of God.”

  • She had only a little bit of food left for her and her son to eat.

  • The prophet Elijah asked her to share their food with him.

  • She shared with Elijah. God blessed her for following the prophet.

cutout cards

Illustrations by Alona Millgram
