Weeds and Bad Words
September 2022

“Weeds and Bad Words,” Friend, September 2022

Weeds and Bad Words

“Why don’t we make a family promise?” Mom asked.

mom and boy weeding together

“Can we talk?” Jonas asked Mom. He sat down on the grass next to where she was weeding the flower bed.

“Sure. What’s going on?” Mom asked. She took off her dirty garden gloves.

“Today at school some kids were saying a word I didn’t know. They laughed when they said it,” Jonas said. “I think it was a bad word.”

“How did you feel when you heard the word?” asked Mom.

“It didn’t make me feel good.”

Jonas whispered the word to Mom. She told him what it meant. Jonas was right. It wasn’t a nice word.

“But why is it bad?” he asked.

“It’s bad because it’s unkind and not respectful. When we use words like that, it makes it hard for the Holy Ghost to be with us. The Holy Ghost was telling you it was bad. That’s why you didn’t feel good inside.”

Jonas frowned. “But the other kids seemed to be having fun. Why was I the only one who felt uncomfortable?”

“How do you know the other kids didn’t feel the same way?” Mom asked.

“Because they all laughed and smiled when someone said the word.” Jonas felt confused.

“Sometimes people laugh or smile when they feel uncomfortable,” Mom said. “And sometimes when they hear or say bad words a lot, it doesn’t bother them anymore. But it’s still not right to say those words. It’s kind of like these weeds. I’m pulling them out to keep the garden clean and to let good plants grow.”

“I’m glad I didn’t say the word,” said Jonas.

“Me too,” said Mom. “I’m proud of you. And I have an idea. Why don’t we make a family promise?”

“What kind?” Jonas asked.

“Let’s promise to use good words and not bad words. It can be a family pact.”

Jonas liked that idea. He and Mom shook hands. Jonas felt good about the promise he made with Mom.

“Now, how about you promise to help me finish weeding?” Mom asked. “Then I’ll promise to take you to the park.”

Jonas grinned and picked up a spade. “It’s a deal.”

As he helped Mom, Jonas felt much better. He knew promising not to use bad words was a good choice for their family.

mom and boy weeding together

Illustration by Dan Widdowson
