Wie kann ich dazu beitragen, dass jeder sich wohlfühlt?
November 2022

Ein Apostel antwortet

Wie kann ich dazu beitragen, dass jeder sich wohlfühlt?

Nach der Ansprache „Platz in der Herberge“, Liahona, Mai 2021, Seite 24–27

Spot 1: A boy of African descent thinking with a thought bubble coming out from the side of his head. Spot 2: A Hispanic girl pointing to her smile. Spot 3: A name tag – no type on it. Spot 4: Two Caucasian boys sitting on a bench together with backpacks on.

Versetze dich in die Lage des anderen.

Spot 1: A boy of African descent thinking with a thought bubble coming out from the side of his head. Spot 2: A Hispanic girl pointing to her smile. Spot 3: A name tag – no type on it. Spot 4: Two Caucasian boys sitting on a bench together with backpacks on.


Spot 1: A boy of African descent thinking with a thought bubble coming out from the side of his head. Spot 2: A Hispanic girl pointing to her smile. Spot 3: A name tag – no type on it. Spot 4: Two Caucasian boys sitting on a bench together with backpacks on.

Frag jemanden, der neu ist, wie er heißt.

Spot 1: A boy of African descent thinking with a thought bubble coming out from the side of his head. Spot 2: A Hispanic girl pointing to her smile. Spot 3: A name tag – no type on it. Spot 4: Two Caucasian boys sitting on a bench together with backpacks on.

Setz dich neben jemanden, der alleine ist.

Illustrationen von Julissa Mora
