Margo och Paolo
Januari 2023

Margo och Paolo

Panel 1 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Hej, jag heter Margo!

Och jag heter Paolo.

Panel 2 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Vi har varit över hela världen med vår familj.

Men nu är vi tillbaka hemma i Brasilien.

Vi har fått bra vänner på varje plats som vi har sett.

Som Hina från Japan, Marco från Italien och –

Panel 3 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Barn, ni har post från era vänner i USA.

Panel 4 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Matt och Mandy!

Panel 5 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

De fick vårt julkort! Och de vill att vi ska berätta allt för dem om Brasilien.

Vi ser fram emot att dela med oss av våra berättelser.

Kom och möt resten av vår familj!

Panel 6 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Det här är vår mormor. Jag tycker om att laga mat med henne.

Och jag tycker om att äta det de lagar.

Panel 7 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Det här är våra föräldrar. Vi tycker om att fotvandra och utforska nya platser med dem!

Panel 8 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Det här är vår lillebror Lucas.

Vår familj adopterade honom förra året. Han kommer snart att beseglas till vår familj i templet!

Panel 9 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Och det här är vår papegoja, Kiwi. Hon älskar frukt och grönsaker!

Lite kiwi till Kiwi?

Panel 10 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Vårt hus är lite galet ibland.

Men det är också jätteroligt. Eller hur, Kiwi?

Jätteroligt! Squawk!

Panel 11 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Vi ser fram emot att påbörja vårt nya äventyr här i Brasilien.

Oavsett var vi är kan vi följa Jesus tillsammans!

Illustrationer: Katie McDee

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