Марго і Паоло
Січень 2023

Марго і Паоло

Panel 1 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Привіт, я—Марго!

А я—Паоло.

Panel 2 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Ми з сім’єю побували по всьому світу.

А тепер повернулися додому в Бразилію.

Ми знайшли чудових друзів у кожному куточку, де ми побували.

Хіну—в Японії, а Марко—в Італії, а …

Panel 3 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Діти, вам лист від друзів у США.

Panel 4 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Метт і Менді!

Panel 5 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Вони отримали нашу різдвяну листівку! І вони хочуть, щоб ми розповіли їм все про Бразилію.

Ми готові з радістю поділитися нашими історіями.

Ходімо, познайомтеся з рештою нашої сім’ї!

Panel 6 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Це наша бабуся. Мені подобається з нею готувати.

А мені подобається їсти те, що вони готують.

Panel 7 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Це наші батьки. Нам подобається ходити в походи і відкривати для себе нові місця!

Panel 8 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Це—наш молодший братик Лукас.

Наша сім’я усиновила його минулого року. Скоро він буде запечатаний до нашої сім’ї у храмі!

Panel 9 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

А це наша папуга Ківі. Вона любить фрукти і овочі!

Ківі для ківі?

Panel 10 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

У нас вдома іноді трохи галасливо.

Але і дуже весело. Так, Ківі?

Дуже весело! Сквік!!

Panel 11 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic. 1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other. 5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Ми з нетерпінням чекаємо початку наших нових пригод тут, у Бразилії.

Незалежно від того, де ми є, ми можемо наслідувати Ісуса разом!

Ілюстрації Кейті Мак-Ді
