Grandi storie
Febbraio 2023

Grandi storie

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

A Beckham piaceva andare a pesca col nonno. Aveva persino preso un pesciolino!

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

Più tardi però, nel raccontarlo alla mamma, forse Beckham disse una piccola bugia.

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

Beckham vinse una gara di salto con i suoi amici.

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

Nel raccontarlo a papà, però, forse disse una piccola bugia.

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

Il giorno dopo, la famiglia di Beckham andò allo zoo. Diede persino da mangiare a una scimmia!

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

Nel raccontarlo al nonno, però, forse disse una piccola bugia.

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

Caspita! Hai davvero dato da mangiare a un drago?

Beh, no… era solo una scimmia. Ma le persone non penseranno che sono interessante se racconto cosa è successo veramente.

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

Non c’è bisogno che inventi delle storie per piacere agli altri. Dire la verità è la scelta migliore. È sufficiente essere te stesso! Anche il Padre Celeste la pensa allo stesso modo.

Panel 1: Beckham and Grandpa are fishing. Beckham has caught a small fish. Panel 2: Beckham is talking with Mom. Grandpa might be seen in the background watching. The speech bubble shows a scene or part of a scene like the one in panel 1, but Beckham is holding a fish that is obviously bigger than the one in panel 1. Panel 3: Beckham and one or two other boys are playing some sort of jumping game together. Beckham is mid-jump. Panel 4: Beckham is talking with his dad. The speech bubble shows Beckham jumping unreasonably/comically far. Grandpa might be seen in the background. Panel 5: Beckham is at a petting zoo. A zoo attendant is holding a monkey for Beckham to give some fruit to. Panel 6: Beckham and Grandpa are walking or sitting together on the couch. Beckham’s speech bubble shows him holding the fruit out to a dragon. Panel 7: Grandpa looks at Beckham. Beckham is blushing. Panel 8: Grandpa hugs Beckham. Panel 9: Grandpa and Beckham together.

Inoltre, dar da mangiare a una scimmia è super interessante.

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