Posso sostenere gli altri
Febbraio 2023

Posso sostenere gli altri

Posso notare gli altri

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus. 1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair. Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Un uomo di nome Zaccheo voleva vedere Gesù. Era basso, quindi salì su un albero per vedere meglio. Alla maggior parte delle persone non piaceva Zaccheo. Ma a Gesù non importava cosa pensavano le persone. Notò Zaccheo e gli chiese di invitarlo a casa sua (vedere Luca 19:2–10).

Quando qualcuno è solo, posso parlargli ed essere gentile.

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus. 1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair. Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Posso far sentire inclusi gli altri

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus. 1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair. Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Alcuni bambini andarono a vedere Gesù. I Suoi discepoli volevano mandarli via. Gesù però disse: “Lasciate i piccoli fanciulli venire a me” (Marco 10:14). Li benedisse e trascorse del tempo con loro.

Quando qualcuno viene escluso, posso invitarlo a trascorrere del tempo con me.

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus. 1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair. Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Posso difendere gli altri

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus. 1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair. Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Una sera, una donna portò in dono a Gesù dell’olio. Altre persone dissero che lo stava sprecando. Gesù però disse: “Lasciatela stare” (Marco 14:6) e aggiunse che quella donna aveva fatto una cosa buona.

Quando gli altri dicono cose scortesi su qualcuno, posso dire qualcosa di gentile.

Three (3) spot illustrations of Jesus. 1. Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus looking up at him. 2. Christ with two or 3 Biblical-era kids. 3. Christ and the woman with a container of oil BEFORE she starts the process of wiping his feet with her hair. Three spot illustrations of children following Christ's teachings. 1. Child sees another child eating alone, the boy is East Asian and the girl is Hispanic. 2. Child invites another child to play. Both children are of African heritage. 3. Child speaking kindly to a bullied child. Children are Caucasian.

Illustrazioni di Guy Francis
