Hva gjør apostler?
Oktober 2023

“Hva gjør apostler?” Vennen, okt. 2023, 22.

Svar fra en apostel

Hva gjør apostler?

Tilpasset fra “Inside the Quorum of the Twelve: The Divine Calling Apostles Share with Missionaries”, Church News, 13. juli 2018; og “Inside the Quorum of the Twelve: Called as Witnesses of Christ in All the World”, Church News, 3. aug. 2018.

Alt text

Illustrasjoner: David Habben

Apostler blir kalt av Gud. De er Jesus Kristus etterfølgere.

1. Jesus talking to his apostles 2. One of the apostles talking at conference. 3. A jet airplane flying around the globe. 4. Sister missionaries teaching an investigator.

Ordet apostel betyr “en som er utsendt”.

1. Jesus talking to his apostles 2. One of the apostles talking at conference. 3. A jet airplane flying around the globe. 4. Sister missionaries teaching an investigator.

De reiser rundt i verden for å tjene mennesker slik Jesus gjorde.

1. Jesus talking to his apostles 2. One of the apostles talking at conference. 3. A jet airplane flying around the globe. 4. Sister missionaries teaching an investigator.

Apostler underviser i evangeliet og sender misjonærer til å undervise også.