Forgiving Like Nephi
January 2024

“Forgiving Like Nephi,” Friend, Jan. 2024, 4–5.

Forgiving Like Nephi

Aisea didn’t want to stay angry at Josh forever.

This story happened in the USA.

Aisea ran and kicked the ball to his teammate, Timothy. He watched as Timothy swung his foot back and kicked the ball into the goal.

“Score!” Timothy shouted as the ball hit the net.

Aisea cheered. They had won the game!

As he walked off the field, he felt great! But then one of the kids on the other team, Josh, called him a mean name.

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Aisea felt surprised and hurt. He didn’t know what to say. He looked down at the ground and walked slowly to his teammates.

“We did it!” Timothy said. “Great pass, Aisea.”

But Aisea didn’t feel great. Not after what Josh said to him! He felt sad and angry.

The rest of the day, Aisea felt like a heavy weight was pulling him down. He did not like Josh anymore.

That night, Aisea sat with his family during scripture time. He tried to listen to his sister read. But he couldn’t stop thinking about what Josh said.

Aisea looked through the pages of his Book of Mormon. He stopped at a scripture in 1 Nephi. It was about a time when Nephi’s brothers were unkind to him.

“And it came to pass that I did frankly forgive them,” the scripture said.*

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Nephi forgave his brothers? Aisea thought. Even after they were so mean?

Aisea thought about Josh. He didn’t want to hold onto his bad feelings for Josh forever. He was only 10!

Aisea wanted to be like Nephi. He could forgive Josh, just like Nephi forgave his brothers. And if Josh said something mean again, he would just ask him not to.

He felt warm and peaceful inside. It was like the Holy Ghost was saying, “You’re doing the right thing.”

“Aisea, what did you learn from these scriptures?” Mom asked.

Aisea looked up. “Sorry, I was reading a different scripture,” he said. He told his family what happened at soccer.

Mom and Dad pulled Aisea into a hug. “I’m sorry Josh was mean to you,” Dad said. “What he said was not true. But it’s OK to feel hurt by it.”

Aisea smiled. “Thanks. For a while I was really angry. But now that I’ve read the scriptures, I don’t want to be mad at him. I want to forgive him. And I already feel better!”

“That’s wonderful!” Mom smiled too. “Forgiving isn’t always easy. But you’re right. It is worth it.”

Aisea looked down at his scriptures. They had helped him! The heavy weight from before was gone. His heart felt warm and full of peace instead.

Story PDF

Illustrations by Alyssa Tallent
