Hello from Thailand!
January 2024

“Hello from Thailand!” Friend, Jan. 2024, 8–9.

Hello from Thailand!

Learn about Heavenly Father’s children all over the world.

Thailand is a country in Southeast Asia. About 72 million people live there.


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Thai is the country’s official language. The Thai alphabet has 72 characters.

Songkran Festival

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People in Thailand celebrate their new year with the world’s largest water fight. They splash each other with water to remember to wash bad things away. It lasts for three days!

Tiger Cave

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The Tiger Cave Temple is a Buddhist temple where many people worship and pray. To get to it, you must climb 1,260 steps up a mountain. There are tiger paw prints in the cave!

Floating Markets

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In Thailand, people can shop on river boats, like little floating stores. Rivers are one way to travel around the capital city. Many buildings are on stilts to keep them above the water.

Story PDF

Illustrations by Mackinzie Rekers
