Alma’s People Pray in Their Hearts
May 2024

“Alma’s People Pray in Their Hearts,” Friend, May 2024, 26–27.

Scripture Stories

Alma’s People Pray in Their Hearts

Alma teaching people

Illustrations by Andrew Bosley

Alma baptizing someone

Alma was a prophet who taught the people. Those who believed were baptized. They made a covenant to follow God.

Amulon scolding a cowering field worker

A wicked man named Amulon became the ruler over Alma’s people. He was very unkind to them. He made them carry heavy burdens.

People praying

Alma and his people prayed for help. But Amulon made a law that anyone who prayed would be killed.

The people stopped praying out loud. But they kept praying in their hearts and minds. God answered their prayers!

People working with a peaceful expression

God knew they had made a covenant with Him. He promised to make them strong. He comforted them and made their burdens light. Later, God even helped them escape Amulon and travel to safety.
