What’s on Your Mind?
May 2024

“What’s on Your Mind?” Friend, May, 2024, 38.

What’s on Your Mind?

How do I know if it’s the Holy Ghost or me?

—Prompted in Paris

Dear Prompted,

The Holy Ghost may be guiding you more than you think. If you have been baptized and confirmed and are doing your best to keep the commandments, you will “always have his Spirit to be with [you]” (Doctrine and Covenants 20:77). But how can you tell?

The Holy Ghost leads us “to do good” (Doctrine and Covenants 11:12) and helps us “know the truth of all things” (Moroni 10:5). If you have a thought to do something good or a feeling of love for the Savior, it’s probably from the Holy Ghost!

Most of the time, the Holy Ghost doesn’t use a loud voice or give you a really big feeling. It’s quiet and peaceful. Learning to follow the Holy Ghost can take practice.

You can do this!

The Friend

Thoughts and feelings from the Holy Ghost light our path back to Heavenly Father. Color in each lightbulb as you read some ways the Holy Ghost can help you.

The Holy Ghost can . . .

  • fill me with love, joy, peace, faith, and hope.

  • give me ideas to help and serve.

  • help me remember good things.

  • help me know what is true.

  • help me understand what I learn.

Story PDF
