The Greatest Power
August 2024

“The Greatest Power,” Friend, August 2024, 2–3.

From the First Presidency

The Greatest Power

Adapted from “Christ is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains,” Liahona, May 2021, 101–4.

A few years ago, Sister Nelson and I visited Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, and Tahiti. Each of those island nations had heavy rains for days. Members prayed that their outdoor meetings would be protected from the rain.

In Samoa, Fiji, and Tahiti, just as the meetings began, the rain stopped. But in Tonga, the rain did not stop. Yet 13,000 faithful Saints came hours early to get a seat. They waited patiently through a steady downpour. They then sat through a very wet meeting.

People sitting in church clothes and rain ponchos

We saw great faith at work among each of these islanders—faith to stop the rain and faith to keep going when the rain did not stop.

The challenges in our lives do not always change how or when we would like. But our faith will always help us move forward. Your faith will help you turn challenges into growth and opportunity.

Faith in Jesus Christ is the greatest power available to us in this life. All things are possible to them that believe.

Growing Your Faith

Just like we can help a seed grow by giving it sunlight, water, and good soil, we can do things to help our faith grow! Color each part of the picture and read what you can do to grow your faith.

  • Learn about Jesus Christ and His gospel at home, at church, and in the scriptures.

  • Pray and ask for help to know what is true.

  • Keep the commandments and make good choices to help you grow closer to Heavenly Father.

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Illustrations by Lisa Hunt