The Stripling Warriors
August 2024

“The Stripling Warriors,” Friend, August 2024, 26–27.

Scripture Stories

The Stripling Warriors

People burying their weapons in a pit

Illustrations by Andrew Bosley

The people that Ammon and his brothers taught wanted to follow Jesus Christ. They buried their weapons and promised God that they would never fight again.

A group of young men approach a house where older adults are talking

But soon they needed to protect their families. The fathers who buried their weapons didn’t want to break their promise with God. So their sons prepared to fight in their place. They were called the two thousand stripling warriors. Stripling means “young.”

Young man praying with his mother while other young men gather with weapons

The stripling warriors had never fought in a war before. But their mothers helped prepare them and taught them to trust God.

Helaman leading the stripling the warriors in a march
A young man helps another wounded young man walk

They chose Helaman to be their leader. They were brave, and God helped them. All of them were hurt, but they helped each other. God honored their faith, and they all lived!
