A Worldwide Family
August 2024

“A Worldwide Family,” Friend, August 2024, 32–33.

Friend to Friend

A Worldwide Family

From an interview with Bradley Salmond III and Rebekah Jakeman.

Children doing a variety of activities, like playing sports, doing crafts, and enjoying nature

Illustrations by Yev Haidamaka

When I was young, my parents did volunteer work in different countries. I wanted to help people around the world too. So when I grew up, I became a doctor. I have now worked in many different countries helping people. My family and I have enjoyed being with the Latter-days Saints in these areas. They are so happy and hopeful. And they love Jesus Christ and His gospel.

My children often went to Primary with other children that didn’t look like them or speak the same language. But they were all Heavenly Father’s children. He knows and loves each one of us. We are each part of His family.

I hope you Primary children know you are a part of a very special worldwide family. No matter what, you are loved by our Heavenly Father. He has high hopes for us—to become like Him. We each have value. When we have the gospel, things that can separate us, like our culture, what language we speak, or where we live, don’t have to divide us anymore. Because we will see each other as we truly are—brothers and sisters, children of God.

Friend Finder

We are all part of Heavenly Father’s family! Can you find the children in the pictures that are the perfect match for each shape?
