Sharing Her Gift
August 2024

“Sharing Her Gift,” Friend, June 2024, 18–19.

Sharing Her Gift

“Can I have a blessing too?” Maddie asked.

This story happened in the USA.

Smiling girl with cat in front of door

Knock, knock.

Maddie ran to the front door and opened it. She smiled when she saw Brother Clayton. He was their family’s ministering brother.

“Hi, Maddie, I’m here to see your mom and dad,” Brother Clayton said.

Mom joined Maddie by the door. “Thanks for coming. Please come in.”

Brother Clayton followed Mom and Maddie into the living room.

Dad set a chair in the middle of the room. “Brother Clayton is here to give your mom and me a priesthood blessing,” he told Maddie.

“Why?” Maddie asked. She knew that people asked for priesthood blessings if they were sick or starting school. But why did Mom and Dad need a blessing?

“You know how our family has been going through a hard time? Dad and I want Heavenly Father’s help and guidance,” Mom said.

Maddie knew that Mom was often stressed. And Dad was worried about money. It had been very hard on the whole family.

“Priesthood blessings aren’t only for when you are sick,” Dad said. “They can also be for when you need comfort or strength.”

“Can I stay and listen?” Maddie asked.

Mom smiled. “Sure. Can you sit quietly? We want to be reverent so we can feel the Holy Ghost.”

Maddie nodded and sat on the couch. Then she folded her arms and closed her eyes. She listened to Brother Clayton give Dad and Mom each a blessing. She felt warm and hopeful as Brother Clayton said loving words from Heavenly Father.

Drawing of a man giving another man a priesthood blessing, with crayons by the paper

When they were done, Maddie stood up. “Can I have a blessing too?”

“Of course,” Dad said.

Maddie sat in the chair, and Brother Clayton placed his hands on her head. She felt good inside. But she wondered what words Heavenly Father had for her. She knew the problems her family had were big—too big for her to fix.

“Maddie, your Heavenly Father wants you to know that you have the gift of joy,” Brother Clayton said. “He loves you and wants you to be happy. And He wants you to share your happiness with others.”

Maddie listened carefully. She felt peaceful. She might not be able to make the big problems her family was facing go away. But she could help her family be happy.

Smiling girl with a cat in front of drawing of herself receiving a blessing

When Brother Clayton finished, Maddie jumped up from the chair and gave Mom and Dad a big hug. Then she shook Brother Clayton’s hand. “Thank you,” she said.

Later that night, Maddie sat on her bed. She thought about her priesthood blessing. How could she help her family feel happy? She looked around her room at her picture books, stuffed animals, and art supplies.

Then she had an idea. She grabbed some paper, scissors, and crayons. She began to cut the paper into small squares.

Maddie picked up a red crayon. “You can do this!” she wrote on the first paper. On the next she wrote, “You are loved!” Maddie thought of more happy things to write. She kept going until all the papers were filled with happy words.

When she was done, she put the notes around the house—one by the front door, one by the soap next to the sink, and one by the laundry room.

Over the next few days, she smiled when she saw her family reading the notes.

“Thank you for the notes,” Mom said with a big smile. “They make me happy. And you make me happy too!”

Maddie gave her mom a hug. Heavenly Father was helping her use her gift to help her family.

Happy girl and cat with scattered pieces of paper

You are loved!

Story PDF

Illustrations by Annie Poon