I Can Follow Jesus by Respecting Others
August 2024

“I Can Follow Jesus by Respecting Others,” Friend, August 2024, 44–45.

I Can Follow Jesus by Respecting Others

Child making a heart shape with his hands

Jesus respected everyone. I can be kind like Jesus was.

Two children with their arms around each other

I can follow Jesus by not calling people mean names.

Two children playing with toy cars

I can say “please” and “thank you.”

Children sitting together at a table with craft supplies

I can listen and take turns. I want to respect others too!

Activity Time

Point to the pictures that show people being respectful. How do you show respect for others?

Activity showing children taking turns on the slide, child helping carry groceries, children making fun of another child, child yelling at another child, children sharing a snack, child holding door for another child

Illustrations by Christine Schneider
