“The Gift of Prayer,” Friend, January 2025, 20–21.
The Gift of Prayer
Adapted from “Pray, He Is There,” Liahona, May 2024, 77–79.
Heavenly Father has given you a very special gift. It is the gift of prayer. Prayer can help us anytime, anywhere.
I want to share three gifts that you can pray for.
1. Pray to know.
If we can’t see Heavenly Father when we say our prayers, how can we know that He is listening?
President Nelson invited you to “pour out your heart to your Heavenly Father. . . . And then listen!”* You can know that Heavenly Father hears your prayers when you listen to what you feel in your heart and the thoughts that come to your mind.
2. Pray to grow.
How do you want to grow? Do you want to learn a new skill or make new friends? You can pray to grow to become more like Jesus Christ!
My new friend Jonah told me about how he often felt worried at school. But when he started to pray before school, he felt peace. Jonah prays to grow every day, and you can too!
3. Pray to show.
As a young girl I prayed for my family. I wanted to know how I could help them. Heavenly Father helped me know that I could be an example of the gospel of Jesus Christ. That is what I could do!
If you are praying for your family or others who love you, don’t give up! Heavenly Father will show you what you can do. When you sincerely ask for His help, His Spirit will guide you.
My Prayers
Think about these questions each time you pray. Then color in a flower. See if you can color in the whole page!
What do I want to know?
How do I want to grow?
How can I show Heavenly Father’s love to others?