“For Older Kids,” Friend, January 2025, 34–35.
For Older Kids
Words from You
I know the Book of Mormon is true and Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. When I pray, I feel good inside.
Dirk B., age 8, Nevada, USA
My favorite room in the temple is the sealing room. I know that one day I will be married and sealed in the temple for all eternity. I love seeing the temple.
Isabel R., age 10, Ceará, Brazil
Friendship Cube
Cut out the pattern.
Fold the pattern along the lines and glue the tabs in place to make a cube.
Roll the cube for ideas of things to do with a friend. (Remember: Family members can be friends too!)
Make a treat! (Try the overnight oats on page 32.)
Serve someone. If you can, do it secretly.
Draw each other’s portrait. Don’t show it until you’re done!
Make up a game to play outside.
List five things you like about each other.
Write your own idea!
Forest Maze
Find your way through the forest to the Smiths’ house.
Three in a Row
Play this with a friend! Take turns writing an X or an O in the spaces until someone gets three in a row.
Illustrations by Brooke Smart