The Restoration Begins
January 2025

“The Restoration Begins,” Friend, January 2025, 24–25.

The Restoration Begins

Learn how Joseph Smith was guided to restore Jesus Christ’s Church.

Illustration of Palmyra, New York
  1. Palmyra, New York (1820): Joseph Smith and his family lived here. Joseph’s family members all went to different churches, and Joseph didn’t know which church to join. He read in the Bible, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God” (James 1:5).

    Illustration of the First Vision
  2. The Sacred Grove (spring of 1820): Joseph Smith prayed and asked God which church to join. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ visited him. They told him he should not join any of the churches. They called Joseph to help restore Jesus Christ’s full gospel on the earth.

    Illustration of Joseph Smith’s home
  3. Joseph’s room (1823): The angel Moroni visited Joseph Smith. He told Joseph about gold plates that had Jesus Christ’s full gospel. As Moroni spoke, Joseph saw a vision of where the plates were buried.

    Illustration of the angel Moroni appearing to Joseph Smith on the Hill Cumorah
  4. The Hill Cumorah (1827): The angel Moroni gave Joseph Smith the gold plates at the Hill Cumorah. Joseph also received special tools that had been buried with the plates. God had prepared them to help him translate the plates. The translated plates became the Book of Mormon so that all of God’s children could read His words.

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Illustration by Adam Koford