For Older Kids
January 2025

“For Older Kids,” Friend, January 2025, 34–35.

For Older Kids

Words from You

I know the Book of Mormon is true and Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. When I pray, I feel good inside.

Dirk B., age 8, Nevada, USA

My favorite room in the temple is the sealing room. I know that one day I will be married and sealed in the temple for all eternity. I love seeing the temple.

Isabel R., age 10, Ceará, Brazil

Friendship Cube

  1. Cut out the pattern.

  2. Fold the pattern along the lines and glue the tabs in place to make a cube.

  3. Roll the cube for ideas of things to do with a friend. (Remember: Family members can be friends too!)

  • Make a treat! (Try the overnight oats on page 32.)

  • Serve someone. If you can, do it secretly.

  • Draw each other’s portrait. Don’t show it until you’re done!

  • Make up a game to play outside.

  • List five things you like about each other.

  • Write your own idea!

Forest Maze

Find your way through the forest to the Smiths’ house.

Three in a Row

Play this with a friend! Take turns writing an X or an O in the spaces until someone gets three in a row.

Activity PDF

Illustrations by Brooke Smart