I don’t feel anything while I pray. How can I make my prayers more meaningful?
June 2022

“I don’t feel anything while I pray. How can I make my prayers more meaningful?,” For the Strength of Youth, June 2022.

Questions and Answers

“I don’t feel anything while I pray. How can I make my prayers more meaningful?”

Be Humble, Grateful, and Sincere

young man

“Prayer is sacred. A meaningful prayer is humble. Instead of only asking God for things, I tell Him what I’m grateful for. Like Moroni taught, I try to pray with faith, with a sincere heart and with real intent (see Moroni 10:4). Those prayers really help me feel something deep and profound.”

Angbo K., 20, Côte d’Ivoire

Add the Word Because

young woman

“I like to use the word because in my prayers. When you add because, you are explaining to Heavenly Father why you are praying. For example: ‘Please help my friend or family member to heal because I love them.’ It really helps to make my prayers more meaningful and personal.”

Eliza G., 17, Maryland, USA

Prayer Invites the Holy Ghost

young woman

“Keep praying every day. Ask Heavenly Father to help you become more sensitive to the Holy Ghost. You can also learn more about the Holy Ghost and prayer in the Gospel Library app—that will surely help a lot!”

Elena J., 13, Guatemala

Slow Down

young woman

“Sometimes we pray only for the sake of doing it. We say only what we hear other people pray for, and we do not truly say what is in our hearts. Prayer is a chance to talk to God. Don’t rush it. Take time to pour out what’s in your heart.”

Marseilles O., 15, Tonga

Thank Him and Ask for Help

young woman

“Prayer is a conversation with Heavenly Father, so talk to Him! You can thank Him for something that made you happy. You can ask God for His help. When I remember that Heavenly Father knows me and loves me, it’s hard to stop praying. Knowing the Savior suffered so much for me, the least I can do is offer a heartfelt prayer.”

Ingrid R., 15, Brazil

Think and Ponder about Your Prayers

“Although you can pray anywhere at any time, you must be in the right mind-set. You have to pray with real intent to feel His Spirit. Think and ponder about your words while you pray. Every prayer should be unique and different.”

Elyssa T., 15, Missouri, USA

Avoid Distractions

“Try to focus only on the prayer and nothing else while you’re praying. We need to realize that prayer is a gift because we are talking to our Father in Heaven. We can remember the blessings He has given us.”

Rebecca J., 14, India

Have a Meaningful Conversation

“I like to think of my prayer as an actual conversation with Heavenly Father. I feel happy when I pray this way just like I feel after having a good conversation with a friend. I have also found going somewhere private and praying out loud helps me be more focused on the prayer so I can make it more meaningful.”

Dot V., 12, North Carolina, USA
