The Temple and Your Eternal Journey
July 2022

“The Temple and Your Eternal Journey,” For the Strength of Youth, July 2022.

The Temple and Your Eternal Journey

How blessed we are to be guided in the house of the Lord.

youth in front of temple

Photograph by Noel Maglaque

You are on a journey. It began long ago when you lived with Heavenly Father as His spirit son or daughter. Now you are here on earth with your spirit housed in a physical body to learn all that is needed to one day return to Heavenly Father and be worthy of all the blessings He has for His children. Some of the greatest things you will learn on this eternal journey are in temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Temples around the World

When I was born in 1928, there were only seven temples. Now we have wonderful temples scattered around the world. And there will be more! Temples bring joy and the power we need for our eternal journey.

No other buildings on earth—even the most magnificent buildings—have what temples have. The Savior told Peter that he would be given power and authority so that “whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven” (Matthew 16:19). That’s a big statement! Temples are dedicated and set apart by the power of the priesthood as a place to perform sacred ordinances. These ordinances are effective on both sides of the veil.

The Joy of Eternal Families

My wife, Barbara, passed away almost four years ago. But because we entered the house of the Lord and were sealed as husband and wife by the power of the priesthood, we are bound together with our seven children, 43 grandchildren, and over 100 great-grandchildren, for all eternity. What a wonderful thing the temple is! Joy fills my heart because my family will be together forever. And your family can be too.

When you get to be my age, you won’t be so interested in having lots of money or driving a fancy car. The most precious thing in your life will be your family—not only the family you have here but also your family in the eternities.

The Power of Restored Truth

You know who you are—a son or daughter of God with unlimited potential. You know where you came from, why you’re here, and what lies ahead in the world to come.

I am awestruck that these truths came as the remarkable result of a young boy who knelt and prayed in a grove of trees. The Father and the Son appeared to Joseph Smith and, step by step, the blessings of the gospel were restored.

I have a strong feeling of appreciation for Joseph Smith. Our restored understanding of God’s plan, the central role of Jesus Christ’s Atonement, and the eternal importance of families and temples all started with him. We’ll continue to build temples and announce new ones as the great, ongoing message of the Restoration covers the earth.

Restored truths, especially the truths we learn through temple ordinances, put life into perspective and give us power to help us on our eternal journey.

Make the Temple a Part of Your Life

It might be hard for you to think that something you can do today will make a big difference years from now or even after this life. But remember the eternal journey you’re on. When you are baptized and confirmed, you take important steps on this journey.

You can help those who are deceased move forward on their journey by performing baptisms and confirmations for them in the temple. I did this many times when I was your age. I remember one time I was baptized for over 60 people. I could hardly catch my breath between baptisms!

If you have a chance to go to the temple, do it! Go as often as you can. Please don’t get so tangled up in things that can take a lot of your time and distract you from what is real and eternal. Even if you live far away from a temple, focus and prepare yourself now to be worthy to enter the temple.

Prepare Now for Your Temple Blessings

One of the first temple ordinances you receive for yourself is the endowment. This is a gift of priesthood power available to all of God’s children. We access this power by receiving the ordinances and keeping the covenants we make in the temple each day of our lives.

You can prepare for your endowment and other temple ordinances by pondering, praying, and learning about the temple. If your parents or grandparents have been to the temple, talk to them about what a glorious blessing it is. Your bishop and other leaders will help you too. I also hope you will find good friends who support you. You will be grateful when the day comes for you to attend the temple and you are prepared to receive all the marvelous promises and blessings the Lord desires to give you.

Jesus Christ teaching His disciples

Christ Teaching His Disciples, by Justin Kunz

The Journey Continues

The purpose of this life is to prepare ourselves for the next one. Heavenly Father’s grand plan is not over at death, because your spirit never dies. It goes on to the spirit world to continue to learn, serve, and await the Resurrection. Then, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ (see Isaiah 45:23). Because of His Atonement and Resurrection, our bodies and spirits will be reunited, and our journey will continue into the eternities. What a glorious blessing that will be for all of us!

When all is said and done, everything of eternal consequence and importance is focused on the life and mission of Jesus Christ. Your knowledge and faith in Him will grow as you serve in the temple. You will feel His infinite love for you and experience joy and spiritual power throughout your life.
