The Choice
July 2022

“The Choice,” For the Strength of Youth, July 2022.

Come, Follow Me

1 Kings 18:17–40

The Choice

young men talking

Hey, Ben, how’s your book report coming along?

Book report?

Yeah, the one that’s due tomorrow!

young man worried

Oh no, I totally forgot!

young man talking to friend

Don’t worry about it. I just copied my report from a website. It’s so easy! You should do it too.

young man at computer, thinking

Should I copy this website? I want a good grade, but something doesn’t feel right about this.

brothers talking

Hey, bro. How’s it going?

I’ve got a book report due tomorrow, but I completely forgot about it. I want a good grade, but I don’t think I can get it without cheating. This is a big assignment, too. It could throw off my final grade for the class!

brothers looking at phone screen

You know, I read something the other day that I think might help you. Check it out.

Elijah with priests of Baal

The prophet Elijah spoke to the people of the kingdom of Israel on mount Carmel. King Ahab and his priests led the people in wickedness because they had them worship a false god named Baal.

“How long halt ye between two opinions? if the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him” (1 Kings 18:21).

young man handing phone to brother

“If the Lord be God, follow him.”… I think I know what to do.

young man writing
young man handing paper to teacher

The next day.

young man walking

I might not get the best grade. But I feel good knowing I chose to do what’s right.
