Preparing for the Dubai Temple
July 2022

“Preparing for the Dubai Temple,” For the Strength of Youth, July 2022.

Preparing for the Dubai Temple

Youth in Dubai and Qatar share their love of the temple and their excitement about the one being built near them.

young man

Photographs of Saajan by Carla Nacario

It’s only a few simple words, but they change your life when spoken by a prophet of God. During general conference, Church members throughout the world listen anxiously for new temple announcements. And for Saajan and Gwen, once President Russell M. Nelson spoke the words, “Dubai, United Arab Emirates,” in the April 2020 general conference, these two youth knew their lives would never be the same.1

Meet Saajan from Dubai

Twelve-year-old Saajan has never seen a temple in person.

“My mom has always had a goal to go to the temple,” Saajan said. “Her love for the temple is contagious. Now my goal in life is to visit the temple.”

Saajan was born in India, but when his parents got divorced, he moved with his mom to the United Arab Emirates. “My mom works really hard. She’s like a superhero to me. Even during the hard times, she never gives up.”

young man and mother

Saajan’s mom and grandma joined the Church in India a few years before he was born. They read the Book of Mormon and knew it was an answer to their prayers. Saajan grew up going to church with his mom, and he was recently baptized after waiting for his father’s permission.

“Getting baptized was one of the best choices I have ever made,” he said. “And when I received the gift of the Holy Ghost, I felt so warm and joyful inside.”

Now Saajan is passing the sacrament for his ward and preparing to enter the temple. He received his temple recommend, and he can’t wait to enter the Dubai United Arab Emirates Temple when it is finished.

“When I heard that they announced the temple, I personally felt it was for me,” Saajan said. “It was an answer to our prayers. I was shocked because they’re building it right where we live! I will be able to take a train directly to the temple and go as often as I want. I’m also excited for the Bengaluru India Temple that my grandparents will be able to visit.”

young man holding photograph of grandparents

Saajan is excited for his grandparents to have the Bengaluru India Temple near them.

Saajan wants to do temple work for his other ancestors as well.

young man and mother at a computer

“I’m preparing myself so that I will be worthy to enter the temple. I want to do what I can to help all of my ancestors. I have such an exciting opportunity to serve the Lord and do the things pertaining to the kingdom of God.”

Meet Gwen from Qatar

young woman

Photographs of Gwen by Christina Smith and courtesy of her family

In her first 18 years of life, Gwen has lived in five different countries: Scotland, Angola, England, Kazakhstan, and Qatar. Her dad’s job has taken them all over the world, but most recently, to the Middle East.

Gwen’s older siblings have all moved away, so she lives in Qatar with her mom and dad. One of her favorite experiences was traveling with the youth in her ward for a temple trip to the Kiev Ukraine Temple. There isn’t a temple close by, so the Saints in the Middle East have to fly to visit temples in other countries.

“I was so excited for our trip, and I wanted to bring family names,” she said. “Every day I would find family names on my phone on the way to and from school. I found about 200 names. I felt so ready to go!”

temple cards

But there was one little problem she couldn’t have prepared for.

A global pandemic.

Gwen’s plane landed in Ukraine in March of 2020—right when they started to hear more about the spread of the COVID-19 virus. With heaven’s help, they made it to the temple and were able to perform baptisms for the family names Gwen had prepared.

group of young women

“There was miracle after miracle after miracle,” she said. “On our drive to the temple, I was worried about the pandemic. But in the temple I just felt so much peace and comfort. And we were able to fly back to Qatar right before the borders closed.”

two young women

But Gwen’s mom, who had gone to visit one of Gwen’s siblings in the United States of America, wasn’t able to return to Qatar. Gwen and her father were quarantined at home when her father contracted COVID. “For a while he was very sick and he wasn’t able to move much,” Gwen said. “I felt so alone. My mom was still gone, and I didn’t know how to make much food other than a grilled cheese sandwich.”

But Gwen had a special experience while holding church at home with her dad.

“It felt like the people whose names we had taken to the temple were with me and my dad,” she said. “I didn’t feel alone anymore. It was such a tender experience. Visiting the temple before the pandemic was such a blessing.”

youth group in front of temple

The Dubai United Arab Emirates Temple was announced just a month after her temple trip to Ukraine. Gwen was thrilled! And she knows how much it will mean to the people in her area.

“I know there are people in my area who can’t afford to fly to another temple in Europe. They’ve been waiting to be sealed as eternal families. It shows me that the gathering is really happening. We’re preparing the way for Christ to come again.”

Temple Blessings

One thing Gwen and Saajan have in common is that the temple is already blessing their lives. President Nelson said, “Temples are a crowning part of the Restoration of the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In God’s goodness and generosity, He is bringing the blessings of the temple closer to His children everywhere.”2


  1. Russsell M. Nelson, “Go Forward in Faith,” Apr. 2020 general conference (Ensign or Liahona, May 2020, 115).

  2. Russsell M. Nelson, “Go Forward in Faith,” Apr. 2020 general conference (115–16).
