The Amazing Power of Gratitude
July 2022

“The Amazing Power of Gratitude,” For the Strength of Youth, July 2022.

The Amazing Power of Gratitude

It’s not just nice to be grateful—it can change your life.

President Russell M. Nelson has said: “Counting our blessings is far better than recounting our problems. … [Gratitude] provides us with a greater perspective on the very purpose and joy of life.”1

It’s true! Being grateful brings many blessings. Gratitude can help you be happier and healthier, improve your sleep quality, strengthen your mental and physical health, and help you be more optimistic and compassionate toward others. The more grateful you are, the better you’ll be able to deal with life’s challenges. Ultimately, being grateful can draw you closer to God, who is the giver of all good things (see James 1:17).

young woman

For Ester Carneiro Ponciano from Brazil, writing a list of what she’s grateful for makes her happy and helps her have strength and courage in difficult times.

Ester’s Gratitude List

1 The Gospel


Illustrations by Emily Davis

As I study the scriptures, pray daily, attend seminary, and attend church, I feel inspired to strive to be better. The gospel brings hope that better days are to come. It truly provides eternal happiness.

2 My Family


I have six people in my family, so our house is always full! We spend time together playing board games, walking outdoors, cooking, and studying Come, Follow Me. My family is my safe haven. I can just be myself with them. We are not perfect, but we are very happy. I’m grateful to have people I can always trust.

3 Friends


Even a pandemic couldn’t break up my true friendships. When we couldn’t be together in person, we still found ways to be with each other. We love to laugh and sing together. I love sharing moments with my friends. I’m grateful for each one of them.

4 Exercise

young woman riding a bicycle

A while ago, exercise would not have been on my gratitude list. I wasn’t excited about exercising. Then I tried riding a bike and found out that I love it! When I ride my bike, I feel happy. I feel like the world around me is a better place. It gives me time to think, look at nature, and feel Heavenly Father’s love. When I’m worried or sad, it helps me to calm down. When I’m on my bike, I can see thousands of reasons to be happy and grateful.

5 Music

music notes

Music brings me immense happiness. My world wouldn’t be the same without music. I have liked singing and listening to music since I was very young. Music has the power to elevate us, and it can also make us feel peaceful. I really like listening to the youth music from the Church.

Gratitude Brings True Joy

As I look at my life with eyes of gratitude, I see how the Lord is present at all times in my life, however difficult things may be. I have realized that the simplest things can bring us the greatest happiness. When you look around and see what really matters, you can find true joy too.

What Are You Grateful For?

The funny thing about making a gratitude list is that once you start, it’s hard to stop. Try it! Take a moment to write down your own gratitude list. Think of ways you can express your gratitude to Heavenly Father and others for these gifts. You may find that the more things you write down, the more things you will think of to be grateful for!
