Remember What Matters Most
May 2023

Remember What Matters Most



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Today, I will share from my heart a few feelings and thoughts on what matters most.

First, a relationship with our Heavenly Father and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, is most important. This relationship matters most now and in eternity.

Second, family relationships are among those things that matter most. …

I recognize some may not have the blessings of a close family, so I include extended family, friends, and even ward families as “family.” These relationships are essential for emotional and physical health. …

Another thing that matters most is following the promptings of the Spirit in our most important relationships and in our efforts to love our neighbors as ourselves, including in our private and public ministries. …

Finally, on this Palm Sunday weekend, I testify that being converted to the Lord, bearing testimony of Him, and serving Him are also among the things that matter most. …

Having a testimony alone is not enough. As our conversion to Jesus Christ grows, we naturally want to testify of Him—His goodness, love, and kindness. …

I invite you to bear your testimony of Jesus Christ more often. …

Those who feel something as a result of your testimony may then ask the Lord in prayer to confirm the truth of your testimony. Then they can know for themselves.
