Ready for My Patriarchal Blessing
August 2023

“Ready for My Patriarchal Blessing,” For the Strength of Youth, Aug. 2023.

Ready for My Patriarchal Blessing

Youth share how they knew the time was right.

young woman on a swing attached to a tree branch

Illustration by Valentina Sumano

young woman

“I actually struggled for months to know the right time. I pondered and prayed every night. A few months later, my bishop asked if I had my patriarchal blessing. I said no, and he said, ‘OK! Let’s do an interview after church today!’ After talking with my bishop, I felt ready to receive my patriarchal blessing. I realize now that my bishop’s question was an answer to those prayers I felt weren’t being answered.”

Makaya S., Texas, USA, received blessing at 15

young woman

“I was moving away from my hometown and didn’t know where my path would lead me. I needed God’s help!”

Clarissa B., Washington, USA, received blessing at 13

young man

“I prayed before general conference to know if I was ready, and it felt like every talk encouraged getting one.”

Duncan J., Utah, USA, received blessing at 17

young man

“A friend shared that in sacrament meeting she had the idea to get her patriarchal blessing. The Sunday after, the same idea came to my mind, but I didn’t feel worthy. So I worked on my worthiness until I was able to receive my blessing. At a youth camp, I shared my testimony about patriarchal blessings, which inspired a friend to receive his blessing. Then this whole story inspired my brother to prepare to receive his!”

Theodor W., Switzerland, received blessing at 17

young woman

“I started thinking about it a lot, and then I spent time praying and talking to my parents.”

Arial C., Idaho, USA, received blessing at 17

young woman

“I had a desire for it! I didn’t have some big experience. I just thought about it, wanted it, and it felt right.”

Zeeli H., Utah, USA, received blessing at 16

young man

“I asked God for guidance, and He answered that a patriarchal blessing would help me.”

Marcelo T., Philippines, received blessing at 18

young woman

“I kept thinking about it! Then a lesson in seminary said, ‘If it’s on your mind, it’s probably time.’”

Bethanie C., Utah, USA, received blessing at 15

young man

“I decided to get mine after sincere prayer with a desire to gain insight from God.”

Dustin H., Maryland, USA, received blessing at 17

young woman

“I had prayed for help after a really tough night. After the prayer, I had this overwhelming feeling of ‘You need to get your blessing.’”

Cambrie D., Utah, USA, received blessing at 16

young woman

“I was unsure if I was ready to receive my patriarchal blessing, but one night I kneeled and prayed about it. I immediately felt joy and peace.”

Jocelyn R., Utah, USA, received blessing at 12

young man

“In seminary people were asking questions about patriarchal blessings, and I felt like having one could help me in high school.”

Mason S., Arizona, USA, received blessing at 14
