Fun Stop
August 2023

“Fun Stop,” For the Strength of Youth, Aug. 2023

Fun Stop

Fun Stop

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Caption Contest

Got a clever caption for this photo? Email your witty words to ftsoy@ChurchofJesusChrist.org by October 1.

Check out the winning entries from the caption contest from July 2022! (And find some honorable mentions in this month’s digital For the Strength of Youth magazine, in the Gospel Library app.)

  • “Uh, oh. Hold the laughs, guys. … I think he wants an omelet.”—Lily C.

  • “Last one to the frying pan is a rotten egg!”—Aisley N.

  • “When only one of your friends knows what the word ‘scrambled’ means.”—Dean A.

  • “When your friend tells a scrambled egg joke, but you’re the punchline.”—Hannah B.

  • “Everyone else on a rollercoaster versus me on a rollercoaster.”—Sammy W.

  • “When you’re trying to pay attention in Sunday School but your friends are sitting next to you.”—Ben K.

  • “When the virtual assistant on my cell phone starts talking in the middle of Church.”—Amelie C.

  • “When someone asks: ‘Who wants an egg for lunch?’”—Matheus S.

  • “Guys . . . the frying pan. . .”—Abi M.

  • “Oh, Shelly, you crack me up!”—Berkeley H. and Eliza H.

  • “When you tell a joke to your friends and you’re the only one that ends up laughing.”—Isaac G.

  • “When your little brother starts laughing hysterically over the same joke he’s been repeating for the past two weeks.”—Bella R.

  • “Egg 1: ‘Nephi! That boat ride was awesome!’ Egg 2: ‘So … seasick.’”—Cameron T.

  • “Shopping is the best. Nice cart ride!” “I think I’m gonna be sick.”—Faye O.

  • “We should spend less time on our phone. The emoji’s are starting to get to us.”—Owen L.

  • “When you show your friends you got braces.”—Kaylee S.

Find the Twelve Apostles

Each of the original twelve Apostles is somewhere in the city. Can you find them all?

Just for Fun

How many triangles can you see?



For the last time, I can’t help you submit missionary application papers. You’re only 12.

Val Chadwick Bagley


Just for Fun: 18

puzzle solution

Find the Twelve Apostles:

puzzle solution
