How do you personally experience the Spirit and His promptings?
August 2023

“How do you personally experience the Spirit and His promptings?,” For the Strength of Youth, August. 2023.

Questions and Answers

“How do you personally experience the Spirit and His promptings?”

Sudden Ideas and Thoughts

young woman

“I feel the Spirit and receive promptings through sudden ideas and thoughts. This happens when my mind is open to God. At Young Women camp, I felt really lonely. I walked to my cabin and prayed about it. Afterward I had the feeling to turn around. I did and met with my leaders. We had a great time ziplining and eating snow cones! This experience helped me learn how I can feel the Spirit.”

Harper J., 14, Oregon, USA

Peace in Nature

young woman

“The calmness of nature helps me feel the Spirit. Nature gives me peace when I am struggling with something. I often sit or walk outside and reflect on how I can overcome my struggles. I have received many promptings while being surrounded by nature.”

Addison P., 14, North Carolina, USA

Act on Promptings

young woman

“Don’t brush off promptings that may seem small. Even just an idea of saying something to someone can be the Spirit’s way of prompting you. Even if a prompting seems small, act on it. As you show that you are willing to act in faith, He will prompt you to do more.”

Rose W., 15, Utah, USA


young woman

“I feel the Spirit’s promptings when I am well-prepared. I do this by saying heartfelt prayers and trying as hard as I can to hear Him. When I feel ready, I am more confident and resilient. I know that when we are prepared, we can receive the Spirit’s promptings.”

Pauline K., 17, Fiji

The Comforter

young woman

“The Spirit comforts me. Once, I prayed for help on a specific issue. During my prayer, I felt comforted. I knew that as long as I kept following His counsel, God would help and comfort me. This led me to read the scriptures and do all I can to feel the Spirit often.”

Sophie G., 15, Minnesota, USA
