He Helps Me Do Hard Things
August 2023

“He Helps Me Do Hard Things,” For the Strength of Youth, Aug. 2023.

I Can Do All Things through Christ

Youth share how Christ has strengthened them to do hard things (see Philippians 4:13).

He Helps Me Do Hard Things

sister missionary

I was born with a disease called jaundice. Something went wrong during the treatment of this disease, so I partially lost my hearing and got a type of Cerebral Palsy that makes it difficult for me to make certain body movements and have balance.

School was hard because of the other kids. They pushed, hit, said mean things, told lies, and stared. I couldn’t fight back, so all I did was pray. Sometimes my prayers were answered right away, and other times the answers took a long time. But I trusted Heavenly Father, so I kept praying.

When I was 15, I was both a Young Women class president and a ward family history adviser. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to do everything. I didn’t know much about family history. I prayed for help, received instructions from the Lord and inspired leaders, and got to work. I’m so grateful for the trust Heavenly Father has placed in me. Every name sent to the temple makes me so happy. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have helped and empowered me.

I’ve learned that Heavenly Father and the Savior do not place limits on us because of physical conditions. They are loving and patient, ready with open arms to teach, strengthen, and help us.

My physical conditions haven’t limited me, because when any obstacle appears, God is there with an outstretched arm. I just need to turn to Him and ask for help.

Jordana S., Goiás, Brazil
