Historia de la Iglesia
Dinamarca: Información adicional

Dinamarca: Información adicional

  • Allen, Julie K. Danish But Not Lutheran: The Impact of Mormonism on Danish Cultural Identity 1850–1920. Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press, 2017.

  • Allen, Julie K., “Double Jeopardy in Pleasant Grove: The Gender and Cultural Challenges of Being a Danish Mormon Missionary Grass Widow in Territorial Utah”. En Rachel Cope, Amy Easton-Flake, Keith A. Erekson y Lisa Olsen Tait, editores, Mormon Women’s History: Beyond Biography. Lanham, Maryland: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2017.

  • Ashby, Leland Hansen, editores, An Autobiography of Peter Olsen Hansen, 1818–1895: Mormon Convert and Pioneer Missionary, Translator of the Book of Mormon into Danish. Salt Lake City: Leland Hansen Ashby, 1988.

  • Baugh, Alexander L. “Defending Mormonism: The Scandinavian Mission Presidency of Andrew Jenson, 1909–12”. En Reid L. Nielson y Fred E. Woods, editores, Go Ye into All the World: The Growth & Development of Mormon Missionary Work. Provo, Centro de Estudios Religiosos, 2012, págs. 503–541.

  • Bikuben, tomos 1–60. 1876–1935. Biblioteca de Historia de la Iglesia, Salt Lake City.

  • Christensen, Marius A., History of the Danish Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1850–1964, 1966. Biblioteca de Historia de la Iglesia, Salt Lake City.

  • Egdal, Margit. Miraklet på Fyn: De Sidste Dages Hellige på Fyn og Langeland. Otterup, Dinamarca: Otterup Lokalhistoriske Arkiv og Forening, 2002.

  • Jensen, Richard L., “Mr. Samuelsen Goes to Copenhagen: The First Mormon Member of a National Parliament”. Journal of Mormon History, tomo 39, nro. 2 (primavera de 2013): págs. 1–34.

  • Jenson, Andrew. History of the Scandinavian Mission. Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1927.

  • Lund, Jennifer L.: “Out of the Swan’s Nest: The Ministry of Anthon H. Lund, Scandinavian Apostle”. Journal of Mormon History, tomo 29, nro. 2 (otoño de 2003), págs. 77–105.

  • Mulder, William. Homeward to Zion: The Mormon Migration from Scandinavia. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1957.

  • Paulsen, Jesper Stenholm. De Danske Mormoners Historie. Copenhague: A. Broberg Forlag, 2012.

  • Samuelsen, Frederik Ferdinand. Diario. Salt Lake City. Biblioteca de Historia de la Iglesia, MS 7640, caja 2, carpeta 1.

  • Schmidt, Jørgen W. En Dansk Mormon Bibliografi, 1837–1984. Aalborg: Forlaget Fenre, 1984.

  • Schmidt, Jørgen W. y Hans Billeskov Jansen. Mormonerne (Medlemmer af Jesu Kristi Kirke af Sidste Dages Hellige) i Danske Aviser i Årene 1850–1851. Lynge, Dinamarca: Jørgen W. Schmidt, 1980.

  • Schmidt, Jørgen W. Oh, Du Zion I Vest. Den Danske Mormon Emigration 1850–1900. Copenhague: Rosenkilde and Bagger, 1965.

  • Skandinaviens Stjerne, 1851–1956. Copenhague.

  • Snow, Erastus. One year in Scandinavia: Results of the Gospel in Denmark and Sweden—Sketches and Observations on the Country and People—Remarkable Events—Late Persecutions and Present Aspect of Affairs. Biblioteca de Historia de la Iglesia, Salt Lake City.

  • Sørensen, Jørgen Würtz. Mellem Mormonerne: En Artikelserie af Henrik Cavling i “Politiken” January 1889. Aalborg: Forlaget Fenre, 1985.

  • Sørensen, Jørgen Würtz. Rejsen til Amerikas Zion: Den Danske Mormonudvandring for Århundredeskiftet. Aalborg: Forlaget Fenre, 1985.

  • Utah posten, 1873–1885. Biblioteca de Historia de la Iglesia, Salt Lake City.

  • Valentine, Hyrum Washington. Valentine Valentine (1813–1877), 6 de julio de 1947. Biblioteca de Historia de la Iglesia, Salt Lake City.
