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  2. Dorius, “Sketch of the Life,” 6–7, 11–12, 46, 49; see also Ole Nielsen Liljenquist, “Biografiske Skizzer,” Morgenstjernen, Mar. 1833, 40.

  3. Matthias Cowley to Orson Pratt, June 1, 1857, Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star, July 11, 1857, 19:446; Liljenquist, Autobiography, [9]; Frantzen, Reminiscence and Journal, 33.

  4. Dorius, “Autobiography of Carl Christian Nicoli Dorius,” 19–21.主題:手推車隊

  5. Christensen, “Reminiscence,” in Jensen, “By Handcart to Utah,” 337, 343–44; Liljenquist, Autobiography, [9]; Benson, “Recollections,” 3–4; Frantzen, Reminiscence and Journal, 37–39; Tanner, Biographical Sketch of James Jensen, 23–40; Carl Dorius, Biographical Sketch, 2.

  6. Dorius, “Sketch of the Life,” 46, 49–50, 52; Carl Dorius, Biographical Sketch, 2–3; Dorius, “Autobiography of Carl Christian Nicoli Dorius,” 19–21.有些紀錄用「凱雅」作為「凱倫」的別名。

  7. Brigham Young to Jacob Hamblin, Aug. 4, 1857, Letterbook, volume 3, 737–38, Brigham Young Office Files, CHL; Hamblin, Journal, 37–38; Jacob Hamblin, Deposition, Nov. 28, 1871, President’s Office Files, 1843–77, Brigham Young Office Files, CHL; Historical Department, Office Journal, Aug. 25, 1857; Huntington, Journal, Sept. 1, 1857.

  8. See Little, Jacob Hamblin, 31; and Carleton, Report on the Subject of the Massacre at the Mountain Meadows, 10.

  9. George A. Smith to Md.St. Clair, Nov. 25, 1869, Historian’s Office, Letterpress Copybook, volume 2, 941–43; George A. Smith, Statement, [Nov. 1896], George A. Smith, Papers, CHL; see also Eleanor J. Pratt to “Brother Snow,” May 14, 1857, CHL.

  10. Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 76–83, 104–5, 244–49, 251–54; Carleton, Report on the Subject of the Massacre at the Mountain Meadows, 4, 6; see also Hamblin, Journal, 38–40; and Little, Jacob Hamblin, 45.

  11. Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 80, 105–13; see also Provo Utah Central Stake, General Minutes, Aug. 16, 1857, volume 10, 907–8; “Late Horrible Massacre,” Los Angeles Star, Oct. 17, 1857, [2]; and Arrington, Great Basin Kingdom, 148–51.

  12. George A. Smith to Md.St. Clair, Nov. 25, 1869, Historian’s Office, Letterpress Copybook, volume 2, 941–43; George A. Smith, Incidents Connected with the Mountain Meadows Massacre, [Nov. 1869], George A. Smith, Papers, CHL; Carleton, Report on the Subject of the Massacre at the Mountain Meadows, 6; see also Parker, Recollections of the Mountain Meadows Massacre, 11.

  13. Carleton, Report on the Subject of the Massacre at the Mountain Meadows, 6; Silas Smith, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s First Trial, 5:229; Jacob Hamblin, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s Second Trial, 1:92.

  14. Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 129–32; “Lee’s Confession,” Sacramento Daily Record-Union, Mar. 24, 1877, 3; Philip Klingensmith, Testimony, in Rogerson, Shorthand of John D. Lee’s First Trial, 2:19; Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s First Trial, 3:2, 58–59; “History of Mormonism,” Corinne Reporter, July 22, 1871, [2]; see also Shirts and Shirts, Trial Furnace, 372–87.

  15. “History of Mormonism,” Corinne Reporter, July 22, 1871, [2]; Philip Klingensmith, Testimony, in Rogerson, Shorthand of John D. Lee’s First Trial, 2:19; Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s First Trial, 3:58–59; Bowering, Journal, fall 1857, 230; Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 132; Krenkel, Life and Times of Joseph Fish, 57.

  16. “Christopher J. Arthur, Field Notes”; “Christopher J. Arthur, Prepared Report,” Jan. 26, 1892, in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 80, 82; Parowan Stake, Historical Record, Aug. 9, 1857, 22–23; see also Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 231; Plat of Cedar City, Oct. 1852, Historian’s Office, Collected Historical Documents, CHL; and Shirts and Shirts, Trial Furnace, 289–96.

  17. Krenkel, Life and Times of Joseph Fish, 57–58; Bowering, Journal, fall 1857, 230; “Christopher J. Arthur, Field Notes”; “Christopher J. Arthur, Prepared Report,” Jan. 26, 1892, in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 80, 82; Charles Willden, Affidavit, Feb. 18, 1882; Elias Morris, Statement, Feb. 2, 1892, Collected Material concerning the Mountain Meadows Massacre, CHL; Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 93–94, 132–33.

  18. “Nephi Johnson, Affidavit, July 22, 1908,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 328.

  19. Annie Hoge, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s First Trial, 4:26–27.

  20. “Lee’s Confession,” Sacramento Daily Record-Union, Mar. 24, 1877, 3; “Christopher J. Arthur, Prepared Report,” Jan. 26, 1892, in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 82–83; see also “An Act in relation to Profanity and Drunkenness,” Acts, Resolutions, and Memorials … of the Territory of Utah, 89.

  21. James H. Martineau to Susan, May 3, 1876, James H. Martineau Collection, CHL; John Chatterly to Andrew Jenson, Sept. 18, 1919, in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 278; Martineau, “Mountain Meadow Catastrophy,” [2]; see also Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 55–56, 134–36, 256.

  22. “Lee’s Confession,” Sacramento Daily Record-Union, Mar. 24, 1877, 3; John D. Lee to Brigham Young, May 23, 1856, Brigham Young Office Files, CHL; see also Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 59–67, 136, 139–40.

  23. Lee, Mormonism Unveiled, 219–20; “Ellott Willden, Prepared Report,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 213–14; Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 64–65; see also Knack, Boundaries Between, 2; and Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 137–45.

  24. “Lee’s Confession,” Sacramento Daily Record-Union, Mar. 24, 1877, 3; Lee, Mormonism Unveiled, 218–20; see also “Daniel S. Macfarlane, Prepared Report,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 109.

  25. Lee, Mormonism Unveiled, 218, 219; see also “Elias Morris, Prepared Report—Andrew Jenson Copy,” Feb. 2, 1892, in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 253.Quotation edited for readability; original source has “Haight said that unless something was done to prevent it, the emigrants would carry out their threats and rob every one of the out-lying settlements in the South.”

  26. Lee, Mormonism Unveiled, 219–20.Quotation edited for readability; “killed” in original changed to “kill.”

  27. Laban Morrill, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s Second Trial, 1:3–4, 6, 9; Sudweeks, “Life of Laban Morrill,” 1, 8–9; “Elias Morris, Prepared Report—Andrew Jenson Copy,” Feb. 2, 1892, in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 254.

  28. Laban Morrill, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s Second Trial, 1:4, 6, 9, 10–11; Laban Morrill, Testimony, in Patterson, Shorthand Notes of John D. Lee’s Second Trial, 2:[20]–[21]; Sudweeks, “Life of Laban Morrill,” 8; “Elias Morris, Prepared Report—Andrew Jenson Copy,” Feb. 2, 1892, in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 254; Philip Klingensmith, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s First Trial, 3:4–5.

  29. Philip Klingensmith, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s First Trial, 3:4–5; Sudweeks, “Life of Laban Morrill,” 8–9; Laban Morrill, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s Second Trial, 1:6–8; “Elias Morris, Prepared Report—Andrew Jenson Copy,” Feb. 2, 1892, in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 254.

  30. Laban Morrill, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s Second Trial, 1:6, 8–10; Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 145–48, 157–62.

  31. “Ellott Willden, Prepared Report”; “Ellott Willden, ‘Additional’ Prepared Report,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 213–15, 222; Carleton, Report on the Subject of the Massacre at the Mountain Meadows, 8; Lee, Mormonism Unveiled, 226–27; “Lee’s Confession,” Sacramento Daily Record-Union, Mar. 24, 1877, 3; see also Joseph Clewes, “Mountain Meadows Massacre,” Salt Lake Daily Herald, Apr. 5, 1877, [4]; and Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 158–62.

  32. Jacob Hamblin to Brigham Young, Nov. 13, 1871; Jacob Hamblin, Deposition, Nov. 28, 1871, President’s Office Files, 1843–77, Brigham Young Office Files, CHL; James Haslam, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s Second Trial, 1:12; Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 162–64.

  33. James Holt Haslam, Testimony, Dec. 4, 1884, [2], in “John D. Lee: Miscellaneous Papers pertaining to His Trials, Guilt, and Death,” 1911, box 1, folder 18, Collected Material concerning the Mountain Meadows Massacre, CHL; James Haslam, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s Second Trial, 1:12; Muster Roll of Company D, 2nd Battalion, in Iron Military District, Muster Rolls, 1856–57, Utah Division of Archives and Records Service, Territorial Militia Records, 1849–77, Utah State Archives and Records Service, Salt Lake City.

  34. Joseph Clewes, “Mountain Meadows Massacre,” Salt Lake Daily Herald, Apr. 5, 1877, [4].

  35. “Ellott Willden, Prepared Report,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 213, 216–18; see also Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 159–60, 164.

  36. “Bull Valley Snort,” Statement, Feb. 1894, John M. Higbee Information, Collected Material concerning the Mountain Meadows Massacre, CHL; “Ellott Willden, Prepared Report,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 211; Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 173–74.

  37. “Nephi Johnson Affidavit, July 22, 1908,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 328; Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 169–70; see also “Lee’s Confession,” Sacramento Daily Record-Union, Mar. 24, 1877, 3.

  38. Martineau, “Mountain Meadow Catastrophy,” [2]; Whitney, History of Utah, 1:700–701; Lee, Mormonism Unveiled, 240; see also “Late Horrible Massacre,” Los Angeles Star, Oct. 17, 1857, [2]; “Lee’s Confession,” Sacramento Daily Record-Union, Mar. 24, 1877, 3; and Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 174, 178–79.

  39. “Lee’s Confession,” Sacramento Daily Record-Union, Mar. 24, 1877, 3; J. H. Beadle, “Interview with Jno. D. Lee of Mountain Meadows Notoriety,” Salt Lake Daily Tribune, July 29, 1872, [2]; Philip Klingensmith, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s First Trial, 3:82; “Nephi Johnson Affidavit, Nov. 30, 1909,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 329; see also Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 172–74.

  40. “Elias Morris, Prepared Report—Andrew Jenson Copy,” Feb. 2, 1892; “William Barton, Prepared Report,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 67–69, 254–55.

  41. [Josiah Rogerson], “Review of John D. Lee’s Life and Confessions,” 21–22, in “John D. Lee: Miscellaneous Papers pertaining to His Trials, Guilt, and Death,” 1911, box 1, folder 19, Collected Material concerning the Mountain Meadows Massacre, CHL; “Lee’s Confession,” Sacramento Daily Record-Union, Mar. 24, 1877, 3; “Daniel S. Macfarlane, Prepared Report,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 110–11; Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 177–79.一些來源指出,以利亞·莫里斯出席了以撒·海和威廉·達姆的會議。

  42. Jacob Hamblin to Brigham Young, Nov. 13, 1871, President’s Office Files, 1843–77, Brigham Young Office Files, CHL; “Daniel S. Macfarlane, Prepared Report,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 110–11; Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 178–79.

  43. Jacob Hamblin, Deposition, Nov. 28, 1871, President’s Office Files, 1843–77, Brigham Young Office Files, CHL; see also Jacob Hamblin to Brigham Young, Nov. 13, 1871, President’s Office Files, 1843–77, Brigham Young Office Files, CHL.

  44. Brigham Young to Isaac Haight, Sept. 10, 1857; Brigham Young to Orson Pratt Sr., Sept. 12, 1857, Letterbook, volume 3, 827, 844–48, Brigham Young Office Files, CHL; see also Young, Office Journal, Sept. 8–10, 1857.

  45. Jacob Hamblin, Deposition, Nov. 28, 1871, President’s Office Files, 1843–77, Brigham Young Office Files, CHL.

  46. James Holt Haslam, Testimony, Dec. 4, 1884, [2]–[5], in “John D. Lee: Miscellaneous Papers pertaining to His Trials, Guilt, and Death,” 1911, box 1, folder 18, Collected Material concerning the Mountain Meadows Massacre, CHL; see also Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 181–83.

  47. James Holt Haslam, Testimony, Dec. 4, 1884, [5], in “John D. Lee: Miscellaneous Papers pertaining to His Trials, Guilt, and Death,” 1911, box 1, folder 18, Collected Material concerning the Mountain Meadows Massacre, CHL; James Haslam, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s Second Trial, 1:12.

  48. Brigham Young to Isaac Haight, Sept. 10, 1857, Letterbook, volume 3, 827–28, Brigham Young Office Files, CHL.

  49. Historical Department, Office Journal, Sept. 10, 1857; Hamilton G. Park, Affidavit, Oct. 1907, Collected Material concerning the Mountain Meadows Massacre, CHL; see also James Haslam, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s Second Trial, 1:12.

  50. Cedar City Ward, Relief Society Minute Book, Sept. 10, 1857, in Derr and others, First Fifty Years of Relief Society, 229–30.

  51. See “Elias Morris, Prepared Report—Andrew Jenson Copy,” Feb. 2, 1892, in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 253; Cedar City Ward, Relief Society Minute Book, Sept. 10, 1857, in Derr and others, First Fifty Years of Relief Society, 229–30; and Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 134–35.

  52. Cedar City Ward, Relief Society Minute Book, Sept. 10, 1857, in Derr and others, First Fifty Years of Relief Society, 23–31; Songs of Zion (Publication place and publisher unidentified, [1853]), in John Freeman, Songbook, circa 1849, CHL.

  53. Philip Klingensmith, Testimony; Samuel Pollock, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s First Trial, 3:7–8, 4:68, 5:182; “Daniel S. Macfarlane, Prepared Report”; “Nephi Johnson Affidavit, July 22, 1908,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 112, 329; Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 158–59, 179, 190; appendix C, 255–64.

  54. See Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, appendix C, 255–64.

  55. “Nephi Johnson Affidavit, July 22, 1908,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 330; see also “Daniel S. Macfarlane, Prepared Report,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 111; and Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 179.

  56. Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 187–89.

  57. “Nephi Johnson Affidavit, July 22, 1908”; “Nephi Johnson Affidavit, Nov. 30, 1909,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 328–30, 332; Nephi Johnson, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s Second Trial, 1:76–77; Nephi Johnson to A. H. Lund, Mar. 1910, Collected Material concerning the Mountain Meadows Massacre, CHL.

  58. “Nephi Johnson Affidavit, July 22, 1908,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 329–30; Lee, Mormonism Unveiled, 238–40; “Lee’s Confession,” Sacramento Daily Record-Union, Mar. 24, 1877, 3; James Lynch, Affidavit, [May 1859], in Turley, Johnson, and Carruth, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 1:247.

  59. “Nephi Johnson Affidavit, July 22, 1908”; “Nephi Johnson Affidavit, Nov. 30, 1909,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 329–30, 333; Lee, Mormonism Unveiled, 240; “Lee’s Confession,” Sacramento Daily Record-Union, Mar. 24, 1877, 3; Samuel McMurdy, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s Second Trial, 1:35–36; Joel White, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s First Trial, 3:126; “Mountain Meadows Massacre,” Daily Arkansas Gazette, Sept. 1, 1875, [3]; Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 196–97, 202–5.

  60. Nephi Johnson, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s Second Trial, 1:76–77; Lee, Mormonism Unveiled, 238, 240; “Nephi Johnson Affidavit, Nov. 30, 1909,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 333; “Lee’s Confession,” Sacramento Daily Record-Union, Mar. 24, 1877, 3; see also “Nephi Johnson Affidavit, July 22, 1908,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 329–30.

  61. “Ellott Willden, Bancroft Corrections—Prepared Report,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 156–58; see also Whitney, History of Utah, 1:706.

  62. Philip Klingensmith, Testimony; Joel White, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s First Trial, 3:81–82, 126–27; Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 199.

  63. “Ellott Willden, Bancroft Corrections—Prepared Report”; “Nephi Johnson Affidavit, Nov. 30, 1909,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 158, 333; Jacob Hamblin, Testimony, in Carleton, Report on the Subject of the Massacre at the Mountain Meadows, 9; Samuel Pollock, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s First Trial, 5:196; see also “Lee’s Confession,” Sacramento Daily Record-Union, Mar. 24, 1877, 3; and Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 200.

  64. “Ellott Willden, Bancroft Corrections—Prepared Report,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 158–59; Albert Hamblin, Testimony, in Carleton, Report on the Subject of the Massacre at the Mountain Meadows, 14; William Young, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s First Trial, 4:53, 5:210–11.

  65. “Ellott Willden, Bancroft Corrections—Prepared Report,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 158–59; Philip Klingensmith, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s First Trial, 3:15, 17–18; Philip Klingensmith, Testimony, in Rogerson, Shorthand of John D. Lee’s First Trial, 2:27; Philip Klingensmith, Testimony, U.S. v. John D. Lee (1875), in Patterson, Shorthand Notes of John D. Lee’s First Trial, 3:[2]–[3]; “Ellott Willden, Field Notes,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 202.

  66. Lee, Mormonism Unveiled, 241–42; “Nephi Johnson Affidavit, July 22, 1908,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 330.

  67. “Nephi Johnson Affidavit, July 22, 1908,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 330; Philip Klingensmith, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s First Trial, 3:85; Rachel Hamblin, Testimony; Albert Hamblin, Testimony, in Carleton, Report on the Subject of the Massacre at the Mountain Meadows, 11–12, 14; see also Jacob Hamblin, Testimony, in Carleton, Report on the Subject of the Massacre at the Mountain Meadows, 7–8; and Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 200, 208–9, 214–15, 246.

  68. Rachel Hamblin, Testimony, in Carleton, Report on the Subject of the Massacre at the Mountain Meadows, 11–12.

  69. Lee, Mormonism Unveiled, 245; “Lee’s Confession,” Sacramento Daily Record-Union, Mar. 24, 1877, 4.

  70. Lee, Mormonism Unveiled, 245; “Ellott Willden, Bancroft Corrections—Field Notes,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 144; see also “John H. Henderson, Field Notes,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 76.

  71. Lee, Mormonism Unveiled, 246; “Lee’s Confession,” Sacramento Daily Record-Union, Mar. 24, 1877, 4.

  72. Lee, Mormonism Unveiled, 245–47; Carleton, Report on the Subject of the Massacre at the Mountain Meadows, 29.

  73. “Lee’s Confession,” Sacramento Daily Record-Union, Mar. 24, 1877, 4; Lee, Mormonism Unveiled, 246.Quotation edited for readability; “was” in original changed to “were.”

  74. Lee, Mormonism Unveiled, 246–47.

  75. Lee, Mormonism Unveiled, 247–48; Nephi Johnson, Testimony, in Boreman, Transcript of John D. Lee’s Second Trial, 1:77–79; see also Walker, Turley, and Leonard, Massacre at Mountain Meadows, 215–16.

  76. “Nephi Johnson Affidavit, July 22, 1908,” in Turley and Walker, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 330; Brigham Young to Isaac Haight, Sept. 10, 1857, Letterbook, volume 3, 827–28, Brigham Young Office Files, CHL.

  77. James Haslam, Interview by Scipio A. Kenner, Dec. 4, 1884, in Turley, Johnson, and Carruth, Mountain Meadows Massacre, 2:894.主題:梅都斯山大屠殺
