The Temple is a Holy Place—Heavenly Father is There
March 2020

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The Temple is a Holy Place—Heavenly Father is There

I came from a non-Christian religious background, where people respect everyone’s gods. I paid respect to Heavenly Father, but when I learned about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from missionaries, I learned that He is the God who is the Father of our spirits.

I was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints seventeen years ago. Shortly after joining the Church, I heard about the temple for the first time. I learned that I needed to go there. I had lots of questions about the temple and knew that going to a temple would require sacrifice. I had to arrange my finances, take time off from work and make arrangements for my family while I am gone. (My wife is not a member of the Church.)

When I first decided to go, I was not worthy or ready to go, but the desire stayed with me. Now after 10 years, I am worthy and Heavenly Father opened the door for me with an opportunity to go this year.

I am so thankful for all the help I received from full-time missionaries for both getting to the temple and while there. A senior missionary couple, who are serving a humanitarian mission in Nepal, went with our group to the temple. They were like shepherds to us, making sure we had food and shelter and no problems in our travels and getting us to all the places we needed to be. Missionary sisters, serving in the family history center across the street from the temple, helped me prepare the family group sheet I needed so I could be sealed to my deceased parents. While inside the temple, missionaries guided us every step along the way. I know Heavenly Father will bless all these missionaries who come from halfway around the world to serve us. They are wonderful people.

Although they are not full-time missionaries, there was a Filipino couple, Jimmy and Rose Albos, who were especially kind to us. They catered meals for us and arranged the sightseeing which we did one afternoon. I am thankful to them from the bottom of my heart. May the Lord bless them for their generosity to our group.

My visit to the Manila Philippines Temple was my sunaulo awasar (golden opportunity) to be sealed to my ancestors. I, and a sister in our group, did the temple work for my parents and afterwards I was able to be sealed to them. Now I can stay with my parents in heaven.

Now my desire to go to the temple has been fulfilled. I had heard many things about the temple and what it looks like. Now that I have been, I have seen for myself. I felt so happy, peaceful, and comfortable in my mind and heart while I was there. When I entered inside the temple, my eyes were opened. My testimony has grown. I received many, many blessings from Heavenly Father while I was in the temple.

In my mind, I compared the temple to the stars in the sky. I had the same feelings inside the temple as I get when I am gazing at the stars. The temple is a holy place. I know our Heavenly Father dwells there. Being able to do temple ordinances for ourselves and for our ancestors is part of Heavenly Father’s plan so we can return to heaven and stay with our families forever.

I would tell everyone that they need to go and do their temple work. I am looking for another chance to go again. I hope my wife will become a member of the Church so that we can go together and be sealed to one another.
