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Priesthood Ordinances and Blessings
March 2022

Handbook Highlights

Priesthood Ordinances and Blessings

The Lord has said, “prepare every needful thing” (D&C 88:119). Have we asked ourselves lately, “What is every needful thing?” There are certainly many temporal things we prepare and put in order daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. But what are the spiritual things for which we need to be prepared?

This year, let’s take some time to reflect and consider: where are we on the covenant path towards salvation and exaltation? Have we obtained all the saving ordinances? If not, what do we need to do next?

The General Handbook concerning priesthood ordinances and blessings, teaches that the priesthood includes the authority to administer gospel ordinances necessary for salvation and exaltation.1 As priesthood holders perform these ordinances and blessings, they follow the Saviour’s example of blessing others. Priesthood ordinances and blessings provide access to God’s power (see D&C 84:20). They must be performed with faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and according to the guidance of the Holy Ghost.

We make sacred covenants with God as we receive these saving ordinances. Each one of them is essential for our salvation and exaltation. These are baptism, confirmation and the gift of the Holy Ghost, conferral of the Melchizedek Priesthood and ordination to an office (men), temple endowment, and temple sealing. These ordinances are the first priority in our progression. In honouring these sacred covenants, we take necessary steps on the covenant path towards eternal life.

Our Heavenly Father has given us other ordinances and blessings that make it possible for us to receive His power, healing, comfort, and guidance. These include naming and blessing children, the sacrament, conferral of Aaronic Priesthood, patriarchal blessings, setting apart to serve in callings, consecrating oil, administering to the sick, blessings of comfort and counsel (including fathers’ blessings), dedicating homes, and dedicating graves.

We may be experiencing difficult times in the world today, but if we focus on the things of eternal significance and make sure all things spiritual are prepared for and in order, we can have peace as we move forward each day. We can help others along the way. We can look forward with a perfect brightness of hope (see 2 Nephi 31:20).


  1. See General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 3.0–3.4, ChurchofJesusChrist.org.