Would I Go Away?
March 2022

“Would I Go Away?,” Liahona, Mar. 2022.

Latter-day Saint Voices: Women of Faith

Would I Go Away?

After I was offended during a Relief Society activity, I had a decision to make.

a woman looking at a picture of the Savior

Posed by model

Shortly after I joined the Church, a Relief Society leader was joking about funny situations. Suddenly she started joking about me in front of everybody. I felt uncomfortable and let myself be offended.

My first thought was not to return to the ward. I opened my scriptures, trying to find comfort. As I read, I came across a verse where Jesus asked those offended by His teachings, “Will ye also go away?” (John 6:67).

Immediately, I answered in mind, “No, I will not go away!”

I called the Relief Society president, who recommended that I call the sister who had joked about me. I called her and expressed my feelings. We concluded that a sense of humor is great but that we shouldn’t joke about someone we don’t know in front of a group of people. We also talked about being sensitive to new ward members.

I continued attending that ward while I lived in that city. I had many wonderful experiences following my conversion to the gospel.

In my personal journey in overcoming offenses, I found these helpful words from our Church leaders:

“If a person says or does something that we consider offensive, our first obligation is to refuse to take offense and then communicate privately, honestly, and directly with that individual.”1

“I promise you, as you choose not to be offended … , you will feel [the Savior’s] love and approval.”2

I am grateful I chose not to leave the Church over an insensitive comment. And I am grateful to be a member of the restored Church, where I receive strength to be faithful and continue on the path of discipleship. I appreciate the advice of prophets and apostles, who teach us how to interact with our brothers and sisters in the gospel.

I can continue being faithful and choose not to be offended. I can focus on my own efforts to be Christlike and feel the Savior’s love and approval.

Will I go away? No. I have a testimony that this is the restored Church of Jesus Christ on earth today and that it has “the words of eternal life” (John 6:68).
