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Orlando Temple Trip
March 2022

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Orlando Temple Trip

On 31 July 1995, a group of Church members from the Toa Baja Puerto Rico District made a trip to the Orlando Florida Temple. As four buses unloaded on the morning of 1 August, the members saw the temple for the first time. While waiting for the doors to open, they sang “The Day Dawn Is Breaking,” “High on the Mountain Top,” and “How Great Thou Art.” Fifty young men and young women performed 3,600 baptisms for the dead. Even when they became cold and tired, they wanted to keep working.

The following day, Hurricane Eryn arrived on the coast of Florida. Orlando was battered by heavy winds and rain, and many temple workers could not get to the temple. So, the Puerto Rican members volunteered throughout the temple, working as escorts, officiating in ordinances, working in the kitchen and dressing rooms, ironing, folding, and distributing clothing.

Though there was chaos outside, in the temple there was peace. The members felt as if “the world outside of the temple walls did not exist, and time stood still.” Each member who participated had his/her own personal spiritual experiences, but together they experienced unity and love.

At the end of the trip, Angel Rodriguez, president of the Humacao Branch, expressed that feeling. “During this trip I met many brothers and sisters from many different branches and towns from Puerto Rico. Today, I can say that I no longer feel that I am just a member of this or that branch of the Church. I know that we are all truly brothers and sisters.”