undefined undefined How Do We Teach of Jesus Christ while Going Through Difficult Trials?
How Do We Teach of Jesus Christ while Going Through Difficult Trials?
January 2023

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How Do We Teach of Jesus Christ while Going Through Difficult Trials?

About five years ago, our family received the sad news of my mother’s illness. She was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, a disease where her lungs gradually dry out and the body’s oxygen capacity is reduced until she can no longer breathe. The only way this disease can be cured is through a lung transplant, which is very expensive and not everyone is eligible.

From the beginning, despite being diagnosed with the disease, my mother went through very difficult times with a diminished quality of life. Even though the doctors gave little hope that she would qualify for a transplant, because her weak heart could not withstand the operation, my father and my siblings and I never lost faith. The doctors weren’t sure that she would make it through the night and asked us to get ready with funeral arrangements. One of the doctors who treated my mother always saw my father or a priesthood holder give her a blessing of health during the most difficult moments of her illness, and this was no exception. He was not a member of the Church, but he knew that those prayers had a power that he could not describe. The doctor joined in prayer with great faith, hearing and seeing how powerful prayers were.

And that night the miracle happened. My mother made it through the night. She got better over time and walked out of the hospital. I cannot imagine all the love of Jesus Christ that that doctor could feel. I am sure that this experience that he lived thanks to a difficult test of a patient and an example of faith of family, friends, and siblings, even my mother, helped to know and obtain the testimony that Jesus Christ is a living God who works miracles.

Although my mother died four years later from this disease, she was a great example of teaching and love for God, she prepared the family for her future departure, she strengthened doctors, nurses, my father, their children and grandchildren, brothers and sisters in the Church and everyone who ministered to her.

Thanks to this immense test that as a daughter and family we went through, we learned that everything has a purpose in life, it is part of the Lord’s plan, let’s take the time to ponder the tests we pass through, and let’s not miss the opportunity to teach and learn from them.

“Behold, this is the promise of the Lord unto you, O ye my servants.

“Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God; that I was, that I am, and that I am to come” (Doctrine and Covenants 68:5–6).

I know that Jesus Christ lives, I know that he loves us. Miracles exist, priesthood blessings are powerful and work through faith. Even within our difficulties, let’s talk and teach about Jesus Christ. He guides us and protects us, teaches us to grow and learn to become like Him. This is the complete truth of the restored gospel with due authority and as organized by Jesus in ancient times. Please never stop testifying that He lives.