undefined undefined Taking Notes at Church Changed My Life
Taking Notes at Church Changed My Life
January 2023

“Taking Notes at Church Changed My Life,” Liahona, Jan. 2023, United States and Canada Section

Taking Notes at Church Changed My Life

Church meetings are much more interesting to me, now that I am more engaged.

people sitting in Church meeting

Recently I felt that I was not getting much from Church meetings. The speakers and teachers were inspired, but I just did not remember much of what was said or taught; and honestly, I really struggled to focus and pay attention.

I found a solution in the Book of Mormon in some thoughts by Nephi. He commented about the plates: “Upon these I write the things of my soul. … Behold, my soul delighteth in the things of the Lord; and my heart pondereth continually upon the things which I have seen and heard” (2 Nephi 4:15, 16). Nephi knew the importance of keeping a record, writing down his own thoughts and experiences, but he also kept notes of some of the teachings of his father, Lehi (see 1 Nephi 8), and his brother Jacob (see 2 Nephi 10).

I felt guided to take notes of some of the things that I see and hear in my Church meetings. I began to write down two or three notes from what each speaker and teacher said, things that were of interest and importance to me.

What a change taking notes made in my life! Here are a few insights I have learned:

  • I feel a greater influence of the Holy Ghost during the meetings, as well as during the week as I have applied the principles taught. In fact, I am recognizing the Spirit more often in my life.

  • It is clear to me that the bishopric is inspired, calling specific speakers and teachers to provide enriching thoughts and lead enlightening discussions.

  • I have new perceptions of the gospel, seeing some of the principles as others see them. There are many ideas that I had not considered before, stretching my mind and understanding. If the speaker was inspired to study a specific concept, it may be worth my time to ponder it too.

  • My notes have become an inspired guide during the week, along with Come, Follow Me. I review what I wrote and follow through with challenges and additional study. I now have many quotes in my personal files from prophets and Church leaders—and members of my ward.

  • I am more alert in my meetings, focusing on what is being taught.

Elder Paul B. Pieper of the Seventy spoke about acknowledging the impressions we receive: “Daily reflecting upon and recording the impressions that come from the Spirit serve the dual purposes of helping us (1) to recognize our personal encounters with the divine and (2) to preserve them for ourselves and our posterity. Recording them is also a formal recognition and acknowledgment of our gratitude to God.”1

Several years ago I stayed home from stake conference to take care of my wife and newborn son. I sent our other children with relatives, asking my young daughters and son to take notes to let us know what was said. They later shared several stories and drawings that enriched my wife and me. I felt the Spirit of that meeting through their comments.

Brother Milton Camargo, First Counselor in the Sunday School General Presidency, taught: “We pay attention to thoughts and feelings that come to our minds and hearts, and we write them down, as our prophet [President Russell M. Nelson] has counseled us to do. Recording our impressions is an important part of receiving. It helps us recall, review, and refeel what the Lord is teaching us.”2

After talking about this with friends and family and ward members, I found that we often feel the Spirit and feel enlightened by the speaker’s talk. At times, we even get excited about the remarks. But by the time sacrament meeting is over and everyone heads to the next meeting, we have forgotten the spiritual story or inspired invitation that we had mentally committed to just a few minutes before.

Taking notes has changed this for me! Church meetings are much more interesting, now that I am more interested. Not only are my Sundays more spiritual, but the days of the week are better as I apply the truths and ideas that I have noted. This simple tool has been a great blessing to me and, I believe, may change your life too.

The author lives in Arizona.