Keeping Covenants
June 2023

Member Voices

Keeping Covenants

As I prepare to usher in the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, I have been guided by small and simple things that have blessed my life through covenant keeping.

It has been about twenty-six years since I had the opportunity of meeting the missionaries through my cousin who is a member. I had the privilege of receiving the lessons that led to my baptism. That was my first step in making covenants in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Since then, I have never looked back. Despite the challenges I’ve faced, I have always been motivated by knowing that our Father in Heaven will make a way for His children who are striving to keep the covenants they have made.

As we progress more and more along the covenant path, you and I grow in the gospel truth. Alma and Amulek in the Book of Mormon reminded us that our mortal life is, “a time to prepare to meet God” (Alma 12:24). We can only do that by making saving covenants with our Heavenly Father.

As I prepare to usher in the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, I have been guided by small and simple things that have blessed my life through covenant keeping.

First, Sabbath day observance by attending sacrament meeting, and participating in ministering.

Second, striving to honour and live my priesthood covenants as outlined in D&C 84:33–44.

This simple gospel principle that we are commanded to embrace, and the counsel I receive through the words of the living prophets, gives me courage to continue to seek learning through the guidance of the Holy Ghost.

As a single adult, I enrolled in and participated in institute. That gave me an opportunity to meet my dear wife who has been a great strength for me and our children in helping us walk along our covenant path. As a Church leader and desiring to lead by example, I decided to go back to school as an adult—starting with primary school work and continuing through to high school.

Recently as I pondered the words of President Russell M. Nelson, in his talk “Make Time for the Lord”,1 it inspired me to better serve others and to study my scriptures in a way that leads the Holy Ghost to give me a deeper understanding of how to stay on the covenant path. I am grateful that we have a living prophet who guides us back to our Heavenly Father in all aspects of life, both spiritual and temporal.

I would like to invite you to “come unto Christ, and be perfected in him” (Moroni 10:32), by making covenants that will bind you and your family to Him. I know that through the gospel of Jesus Christ we are able to live happily in this life and in the next life through obedience to our covenants and following the teachings of our Saviour Jesus Christ.


  1. See Russell M. Nelson, “Make Time for the Lord”, Liahona, Nov. 2021, 120–121.
