How Do You Connect with Christ?
September 2023


How Do You Connect with Christ?

In the weeks leading up to Easter, the First Presidency invited members to deepen their relationship with the Saviour. We reached out to several members and asked them how they #ConnectwithChrist. They share their thoughts here.

“What helps me connect to Jesus Christ is music. When I sing a hymn, I feel the Holy Ghost. And when I feel the Holy Ghost, I feel peace. All my negativity will go away, and my positivity will come.” —Thando Mazibuko, South Africa

“Nature connects me to Christ. Hearing the birds singing reminds me that He cares for me. Not even a little bird falls without His knowledge, and He feeds them. The different plants, with their different sizes, shapes and colours remind me that God blesses me in many different ways.” —Rumbidzai Mambo, Zimbabwe.

“I allocate time in the afternoons to read my scriptures. This is my moment to #ConnectwithChrist. Scriptures help me learn more about the Saviour and help strengthen my relationship with Him. I find comfort in Matthew 11:29: ‘Learn of me . . . and ye shall find rest unto your souls.’” —Dina Tlokotsi, South Africa

“I feel a deeper and stronger connection with Christ when I express myself through music. Over the years I have felt Him communicate to me through music as well.” —Thabo “TJ” Makuzha, Zimbabwe

“We #ConnectwithChrist by following the prophet and modern revelation. We are inspired by the counsel given by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf to ‘build deep and loving family relationships by doing simple things together, like family dinner . . . and just by having fun together.’”1 —Cunningham family, South Africa

“I connect with Jesus Christ through scripture study. I listen to the words of prophets as I do my work. It helps me to connect with Him, it helps me to appreciate who He is in my life. It helps me to repent and to try and become everything that my Father wants me to become.” —Nelly Moorosi, Lesotho

“I spend a considerable amount of time on the road. In the morning I listen to scriptures or talks on my way back from dropping my kids off at school, or on the way to work. It’s a matter of priority, really.” —Amahle Jenkins, South Africa

“I connect with Christ through listening to African gospel music. It’s music that we grew up listening to and singing to, with my family during prayer time. It’s always a great reminder to me of my journey with Jesus Christ and how far I’ve come. There are certain songs that are able to express exactly how I feel.” —Nonpumelelo Radebe, South Africa


  1. Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Of Things That Matter Most,” Liahona, Nov. 2010, 22.
