Helping Others Belong Wherever I Am
September 2023

Digital Only: Young Adults

Helping Others Belong Wherever I Am

The author lives in Texas, USA.

There are opportunities to minister everywhere.

friends talking to each other

Belonging is something each one of us yearns to feel. We desire friendship, acceptance, and understanding.

Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles recently taught about the importance of belonging:

“Although we rarely think about it, much of our belonging comes from our service and the sacrifices we make for others and for the Lord. …

“We strive to follow the Savior’s doctrine:

“‘Whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister. …

“For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many’ [Mark 10:43, 45; emphasis added].

“Belonging comes not as we wait for it but as we reach out to help one another.”1

I have felt love and connection through friendships and acquaintances in my life. But most importantly, I’ve felt a spiritual sense of belonging as I have reached for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and helped others feel Their love too.

I’ve learned a lot about how our willingness to minister can help us all feel the love of the Savior.

Here are just a few truths that have helped me minister in any circumstances:

Small Acts Make a Big Difference

I used to think that ministering required a lot of time and effort. But I’ve learned that ministering can be done through our smallest acts as disciples of Christ.

As Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught, “Jesus’s compassionate acts were not occasional or mandated manifestations based on a list of tasks to be completed but everyday expressions of the reality of His pure love for God and His children and His abiding desire to help them.”2

I was once moved by a Christlike example of everyday ministering when I was shopping in a big grocery store. I came across a lady who was trying to lift heavy cases of water into her cart.

A man nearby quickly noticed that she was struggling and came over to help. When they got the cases loaded, he even asked if she needed any more help from him.

As I noticed this beautiful act, this stranger looked over at me and greeted me kindly with a smile. His expression seemed to say that he was willing to help me as well if I needed it.

His example reminded me of the Savior.

The Savior always ministered without hesitation when He saw a need. He often served and offered His aid without question—only love. Seeing the example of this man has stuck with me and inspired me to look for everyday opportunities to minster in my own life. And I now see that those opportunities are everywhere.

a heart on a smartphone screen

The Spirit Can Help You through the Awkwardness

I’m a yoga instructor, and when I’m teaching, I always strive to help others feel loved and connected to the Spirit like I do. At the head of the class, I can see everyone’s body language, which usually allows me to see the uncomfortable emotions they may be holding on to.

One morning I noticed a young woman in my class. I could see through each movement that she was sad and trying to let go of something heavy in her life.

After class, I felt a prompting from the Spirit to ask her how she was doing. I felt sort of awkward about it, but when I remembered Christlike examples of ministering, I followed the prompting. I went up to this woman and told her I could listen if she needed someone to talk to.

She immediately started sharing her feelings and struggles with me.

I am grateful I listened to the Spirit and was able to have a vulnerable conversation with her. During our conversation, we felt the Spirit, and she expressed her gratitude that I listened to her. She said, “The Savior places people in our paths to love and support us—to help us. I am grateful He’s leading me to friends who lift me up.”

When we are open to His guidance and have a willingness to act, Heavenly Father can help us minister to His children and create connection, belonging, and sometimes even deep friendships.

As I learn more about the Savior’s compassion, I’m learning that I don’t have to limit my capacity to love. I don’t have to make sure others love me first before I extend my friendship, compassion, love, and service to them—I can exercise humility and always be ready and willing to notice and, more importantly, to reach out to those around me with compassion.

Opportunities to Share His Light Are Everywhere

Every day, whether at home, at work, while shopping, or even in a yoga class, if we have an open heart, we can share the Savior’s light with others.

Elder Soares also taught that “as we intentionally strive to incorporate a compassionate attitude into our way of life, as exemplified by the Savior, we will become more sensitive to people’s needs. With that increased sensitivity, feelings of genuine interest and love will permeate our every action. The Lord will recognize our efforts, and we will surely be blessed with opportunities to be instruments in His hands in softening hearts and in bringing relief to those whose ‘hands … hang down’ [Doctrine and Covenants 81:5].”3

As we act in faith and follow His example, the Savior can enable us to notice and minister to others, even if it is simply through small means like offering a hug, a kind word, or simply by just being there.

Our willingness to act and to be vulnerable will always allow us to connect with and see each other as God does. I am so grateful to my Savior, who helps me grow and teaches me to be a friend in small and simple ways.

It’s my hope that we can notice and serve all of Heavenly Father’s children no matter where we are and that we can all feel that sense of belonging in His kingdom.
