Ministering with Loyalty
December 2023

“Ministering with Loyalty,” Liahona, Dec. 2023.

Ministering Principles

Ministering with Loyalty

We can make a profound difference by ministering with loyalty.

man moving snow with tractor

Photograph by Kay Lynn Hodges

The life of the Apostle Peter is an inspiring example of loyalty and allegiance to the Savior. But Peter had to learn and grow in these attributes, just as we all do. Even though he had previously proclaimed Jesus as the Messiah (see Matthew 16:16) and had even been willing to die for Him (see Luke 22:33), he denied knowing Jesus when questioned (see Matthew 26:69–74). After this betrayal, Peter “wept bitterly” (see Matthew 26:75). Jesus forgave Peter, and later as the chief Apostle, Peter led the early Church of Jesus Christ.

This account teaches us that even when we fail, we can be forgiven through the Atonement of Jesus Christ if we truly repent and are loyal to Him. Peter became an amazing example of loyalty the rest of his life, despite persecution and suffering as he served the Lord. Eventually, he gave his life.

Peter taught that we will be blessed if we are loyal to the Savior even through trials and persecution:

“If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified. …

“Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf” (1 Peter 4:14, 16).

We can show unswerving loyalty to the Savior by doing as He has asked us, and we can show loyalty to those we minister to by working to build true, sincere friendships.

Developing Loyalty

Loyalty is a Christlike attribute we can learn more about and develop in ourselves. Here are some ideas:

  1. Communicate effectively: By being clear and open in your communication and actively listening to the perspectives of others, you can develop deeper understanding and trust, helping you build and maintain loyal relationships.

  2. Be consistent: When people can depend on you to be there for them and to follow through on your commitments, they will trust and rely on you, leading to strong, loyal relationships.

  3. Pray: When you pray in behalf of those you minister to, feelings of loyalty toward them will naturally develop.

woman walking with child in snow

Photograph by Shirlene Stoddard

Ministering with Loyalty

  1. Be dependable: Follow through on commitments and be supportive when those you minister to need encouragement.

  2. Listen actively: By really listening, understanding, and being present for the people you minister to, you can build stronger connections and show that you care about their well-being.

  3. Keep confidences: A loyal friend keeps confidences when ministering—and at all times. (In special cases, such as abuse situations, ask for permission and then help them seek the right assistance.)

  4. Show love and compassion: When you truly care about those you minister to, they will feel valued and appreciated, creating a relationship where loyalty can flourish.

  5. Serve: When we serve each other with love, we demonstrate our loyalty to the Savior and our willingness to feed His sheep (see John 21:15–17).
