Come, Follow Me
February Week 2: How Do My Choices Affect My Priesthood Power?

“February Week 2: How Do My Choices Affect My Priesthood Power?” Come, Follow Me: For Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood Quorums (2015), 10–11

“February Week 2,” For Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood Quorums, 10–11


February Week 2

How Do My Choices Affect My Priesthood Power?

Share Experiences

Presidency member, group leader, or an assistant (5–10 minutes)

As disciples of Jesus Christ and priesthood holders, we can strengthen each other by sharing how the gospel has blessed us and our families during the week. Sharing these experiences is one way to invite the Spirit into our meetings. For example, when have we or someone we know done the following? How did we feel? What did we learn?

  • Sought the Lord’s help in strengthening family members

  • Served someone in need

  • Experienced the power of the priesthood

  • Participated in God’s work

  • Acted on what we learned in quorum meetings

  • Acted on what we learned in last week’s meeting

My Experiences

Learn Together

Adviser or quorum member (20–25 minutes)

Help quorum members learn together by using the following suggestions, ideas from this week’s study outline in Come, Follow Me for individuals and families, or your own ideas:

  • What can quorum members share from their personal or family study of agency in Come, Follow Me for individuals and families?

  • Our choices affect our lives, families, and priesthood power. How can we illustrate this truth? For example, you could label one end of a stick “choice” and the other “consequence.” As a quorum member picks up the “choice” end of the stick, ask what he learns about the relationship between choices and consequences (see 2 Nephi 2:16, 27). Quorum members could share experiences in which they or someone they know made a choice that had far-reaching consequences.

  • What can quorum members learn about how choices affect priesthood power from the following verses? Helaman 14:30–31; Moroni 7:14–19; Doctrine and Covenants 58:26–29; 121: 36–45.

  • There are many scriptural examples that show the far-reaching consequences of choices. For example, quorum members could contrast the choices made by Nephi and those made by Laman and Lemuel as recorded in 1 Nephi 3:1–8. What other scriptural examples can quorum members share? What were the consequences of the choices made by these individuals? How did their choices affect their ability to serve those around them?

  • As quorum members watch the video “Leave the Party” ( or read President Boyd K. Packer’s talk “The Power of the Priesthood” (Ensign or Liahona, May 2010, 6–10), what do they learn about how our choices affect our ability to serve?

My Impressions

Plan to Act

Presidency member, group leader, or an assistant (5 minutes)

Quorum members can plan how to act on impressions by considering questions like those below. Tell them that they will have time to share their experiences in next week’s quorum meeting.

  • What can we do as a quorum to strengthen each other in our efforts to make correct choices?

  • What have we learned today that will affect the way we serve?

  • What changes do we need to make in our personal lives to have greater priesthood power?

My Assignments
